153 pages (Spiralbound), published by Selfpublished
Illustrated with drawings by Joseph K. Schmidt
Language: English
107 entries
Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 1 - Biddle Force (BF) intro
Related to 1
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson An Unnatural Order
Related to
  • "Exception Selection" (J.K. Hartman, Linking Ring Parade 1974)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Biddle Force
Also published here 2
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Swindle of Suits two suits taken out of deck, on e card exchanges, one card in each suit-group chosen, it is the odd one
Inspired by 3
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Observation Test two cards chosen in incomplete riffle shuffle condition, one from red half one from black, one vanishes and the other travels into odd-colored half, Riffle Shuffle Control
Variations 5
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Name a Number, Any Number two cards chosen in incomplete riffle shuffle condition, one from red half one from black, appear at chosen numbers in transposed packets
Inspired by 6
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Block Mexican Turnover Chapter 2 - (BMT)
in-the-hands handling, side-jogged card used to flip over a block of cards on the deck
Related toAlso published here 8
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 3 On a Match matching three cards, using BMT
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Mag(net)Ic Kings put on table, one used by spectator to stab to an Ace, other Kings change into Aces as well, using BMT
Variations 10
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Looks Can Be Deceiving four indifferent cards used to find the Kings, locator cards change to Aces, using BMT
Inspired byVariations 11
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Road four Kings are stabbed into deck one by one to find Queens, using BMT
Inspired by 13
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Combined Forces two selections lost, a Five used to stab next to one selection by spectator, then five cards down is the second selection reversed, using BMT and Henry Christ Force
Related to 14
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Rapid-Fire Aces using BMT and Henry Christ Force
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Chapter 3 - (BJ)
card outjogged after swing cut, apparently top card of bottom half is pushed out, but actually it's bottom card of top half
Inspired by
  • "Betcha" (John T. Sheets, Linking Ring Parade, May 2003)
Also published here
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Double-Lift (BJ D/L)
card outjogged after swing cut, apparently top card of bottom half is pushed out, but actually it's bottom cards of top half
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Bluff Jog Double-Lift-2 (BJ D/L-2)
card outjogged after swing cut, apparently top card of bottom half is pushed out, but actually it bottom cards of top half is added
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Some You Win, Some You Lose outjogged card changes to match another card
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Majestic 4 spectator is supposed to find Kings, finds three x-cards and one King, then all change to Aces
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Unexpected Findings two selection, first found, then first found again and original card is second selection
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson BJ Immediate Ace Spell
Inspired by
  • "Immediate Ace Spell" (George McBride, The Crimp No. 15)
Illogical Double Lift Variation switch, card thumbed off
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 4 - Colombini Force chapter intro
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Spaghetti Sandwich two selections found with sandwich cards at once
Edward Marlo Cover-up Cut
Aldo Colombini Colombini Force spectator calls top during biddling cards into other hand one by one, original bottom card shown, flushtration force, discrepant
VariationsAlso published here 25
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Multiple Spaghetti Sandwich three Jacks trap two selections
Variations 26
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Royal Spaghetti Collectors
Inspired by 27
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Quarterback two selections, one pops out of deck, one quarter is missing, it is found glued to second selection
Inspired by 29
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 5 - Face-Up Drop Switch intro and credit information
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chroma Zone odd-backed card placed in half deck which is tabled, spectator signs face of a selection from other half, tabled half spread and odd-backed card removed, it is the signed one
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Face-up Drop Switch card added as card turns face-up
Larry Jennings Pick-up Transfer as one half passes the other, as in Jennings's Visitors
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chroma Zone Transpo two signed cards from two decks transpose
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Over Packet Switch Chapter 6 - "A variation of a Frank Garcia packet switch"
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Over Anti-Oil-and-Water 4&4, magical mixing
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Helium Aces with Royal Flush transformation kicker
Related to 38
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Hanky-Panky Hotel patter by Marty Kaplan
Inspired byVariations 39
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Over Technicolor Hotel Kings and Queens odd-backed
Inspired by 42
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 7 - Head-Over-Heels (HOH), chapter intro
Related to 45
Simon Aronson Head Over Heels control card to second from the top, and reversed, with further details by Simon Aronson
Also published here 45
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Twinsight double reversal plus matching
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flight of Discovery selection travels from one half to the other reversed, with card of matching suit and value on either side
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson One Deft Move two cards revealed at once
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Endfield Slip-cut Revelation two cards at once, one face-up on top, one sticks out from center
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Is it a Prediction, a Transposition, or What? in the end, a four-of-a-kind is produced from a shuffled deck
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson HUH Collectors
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Fair Deal spectator stops dealing at wrong card which is set aside, then same card shows up reversed in deck and card placed aside is now selection
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Open Double-Deal Switch Chapter 8
top two cards are apparently placed on table, second card switched for bottom deal, credit information, "Covered Bottom Deal"
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Military Card Trick
Inspired by 57
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Double Dealin' Royals two phases
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Raised Interlock Principle Chapter 9
  • General Method - Stealing a Card
  • Adding a Card
  • Packet Uses
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Eradicators packet with selection sandwiched between face-up cards, whole thing put in deck, when spread only selection remains sandwiched
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Thought Card Across using Raised Interlock Principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Invisible Card Redux card vanishes from packet, appears reversed in deck
Inspired by 69
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Re-Calculated Cut Chapter 10, to place selection at desired position
  • Triple Cut
  • In the Hands Triple Cut
  • Quad Cut
  • Quad Cut #2
  • Quad Cut #3
Inspired by 72
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Leo-Ben Stop Trick value of card stopped used to count to selection, "perfect stop trick"
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Black Magic Prediction Ace and Three to predict 13 and 31, where two selections are found
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Separated at Birth
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson UnDo Cull-Pability handling of UnDo Influence
  • Variant
Variations 78
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson UnDo Cull-Pability-2 two selections found at two numbers
  • Further Variant
Inspired by 80
Jerry K. Hartman Undoozy two cards, their numbers predict positions of two later selections, impromptu setting of Undo Influence with applications
Variations 81
Jerry K. Hartman Belly Crimp via bottom card bubble peek
Jerry K. Hartman Do Undo Others two odd-backed cards put in deck as prediction, their values predict positions of two selections
Inspired by 85
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Jack Attack two selections found with two sandwich cards
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 11 - Pseudo-CATO intro, CATO with turning three instead of two cards over, "CATO preserves the face-up/face-down orientation while mixingthe positions. In contrast, Pseudo-CATO preserves the relative odd/even alternating positions while mixing their face-up/face-down orientation."
Related to 92
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Guessing Colors selection ends up in odd-colored pile, pseudo-CATO
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Moving Colors packet, two selections (one red, one black) end up in odd-colored pile, pseudo-CATO
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Uncertain Separation after some mixing the cards are eventually sorted either red/black or picture/spots, pseudo-CATO
Variations 95
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Indeterminate Conclusion same with two selections ending up in opposite group, pseudo-CATO
Inspired by 97
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chapter 12 - Royalty intro
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Inseparable Royals
  • The Couples Marry
  • The Couples Now Divorce
  • Enter the Commoners
  • The Couples Remarry
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Trick You Can Count On Queen repeatably reverse, then capture a selection
Inspired by 100
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson An Acrobatic Discovery Jack repeatably reverse, then two change into selections
Frederick Braue Braue Addition
Alex Elmsley Prayer Vanish
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Noble Triumph King chosen, deck shuffled face-up/face-down, other Kings cut to, all cards rightened except Queens
  • Optional Additional Kicker (Kings odd-backed)
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson In Days of Old rhyme patter by Marty Kaplan
Variations 108
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Upper Class Weddings packet elevator meets marriage
Variations 110
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Mythology
Inspired by 111
Al Leech Instant Addition packet flipped face-down onto left-hand pile, card added to its face
Karl Fulves Survivor Principle Chapter 13
principle in which pairs of an odd number of cards are eliminated until one card remains, it is the card of the color that had an odd number of cards in the original packet
Related to 115
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Known Survivor prediction with Survivor Principle
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Soul-Mate Survivor packet of cards, one pocketed by spectator, after Survivor Principle elimination the mate remains
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson EGO Bonus Section things that were previously published in EGO Vol. 1 No. 11, July 2001
Related to 119
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson TAPGAC "Turn any Pairs, Gather and Cut", alternative way of doing Hummer's CATO
  • The TAPGAC Fix
  • End Notes
Also published here 120
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Chao Theory red-black separation with letter cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 122
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Royal Clans red-black separation with procedure and picture cards, using TAPGAC
Also published here 123
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Return of the Lonely Card all reversed except selection after mixing process, using TAPGAC
Inspired byAlso published here 124
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Princes and Peasants red-black separation with procedure, using TAPGAC
Also published here 126
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Deduction Production selection and rest of four-of-a-kind eventually found, using TAPGAC
Also published here 127
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Two for the Road after packet mixing process only five cards are face-up - a previously selected poker hand, then Fulves's Riffle Shuffle Control after which position of first selection is announced, second stabbed to
  • Phase I: TAPGAC Poker
  • Phase II: Riffle Shuffle Bored
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 129
Stewart Judah Stabbing Force
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of Cut Deeper Force
Also published here 134
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Finding the Flipping Aces using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 135
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Mates three selections made, their mates show up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 135
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flashy Flush spectator selects BlackJack, then Royal Flush shows up, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 136
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Flip-Flop Marriages using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 137
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson The Attractors using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 138
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson 1-2-3 Elevator Aces using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 139
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Elevator Mates mates found as climax, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 140
Reinhard Müller The Ones We Can't See using variation of Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 142
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson More Diminishing Matches two cards cut to, they're mates, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Inspired byAlso published here 143
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson I Spy four Jacks show up, eventually their backs change color, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
Also published here 144
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson A Royal Display four selections shown in display with cards outjogged from deck, they form a royal flush with face card, using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the Force
  • Part 2 - the Display
Inspired byAlso published here 146
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Royal Flip-Flop-Jog using Hamman's Flip-Flop Force
  • Part 1 - the four Aces are seemingly chosen at random
  • Part 2 - the Aces change to a Royal Flush!
Also published here 148
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 150
Peter Duffie, Robin Robertson Shape-Shifter Blues-2 three pairs of cards removed from red-backed deck, two blue-backed cards change into each of the pairs, using Gemini Count
Inspired byAlso published here 152
Data entered by Denis Behr, March 2020.