Written by Steve Beam
Work of Steve Beam
264 pages (Hardcover), published by Trapdoor Productions
Illustrated with drawings by Steve Beam
Language: English
153 entries
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Cover photograph
Creators Title Comments & References Page AA Categories
Steve Beam Introduction
Steve Beam How to Read This Book
Steve Beam Telephone Tricks chapter intro
Steve Beam The Phony Card Trick card is found by spelling word, over phone
Also published here 18
Steve Beam Support Your Local Magician card is found by spelling two sentences, humorous presentation, can be performed over the phone
Lewis Jones Right on Q half the deck used, card chosen by making three piles, card found by spelling, can be performed over the phone
Inspired by 23
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Alphanumeric card is found by spelling some sentences
Steve Beam Doing Your Nails with half the deck, nine force
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Card Miracles"
  • Stewart James' "The Card is Up" in "The James File"
Doreen Knott The Tyro Cardsharp poem
Steve Beam Prediction chapter intro
Steve Beam The Nobs Prediction no gag, no can be unfold and forms name of selection
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "The 'It' Girl" in "The James File"
Cut Deeper Force
Steve Beam Easy on the Curry cut and turn over to select card, prediction in form of mate
Variations 34
Frederick Braue Braue Reversal
Steve Beam Lockbox Prediction prediction of touched card
Also published here 36
Steve Beam Card Switch reversed card in center, while card is placed on table
Also published here 37
Steve Beam, Mick Ayres Send in the Clowns humorous article
Related to 38
Mick Ayres Color My World single card prediction on paper, selection has different colored back
10/20 Force face up
Rajneesh Madhok Underside of the Moon card reversed behind back is predicted
Inspired by
  • Dark Side of the Moon" (Ed Marlo, Linking Ring 71/2)
Related to
Lewis Jones Me and You values represent different prizes, card is selected and prize predicted, humorous routine
Related to 42
Steve Beam Witchcrap with spelling of cards, two cards prediction
Steve Beam Birthing Twins two cards to form a card, prediction in wallet
Deal Force for two cards
Steve Beam The Pocket Fisherman card in pocket, two cards to form a playing card
Steve Beam You Know You Have Seen Everything in Magic When... humorous article
Steve Beam Surprise Party chapter intro
Joe Riding It Takes a Year card is found by dealing various numbers related to year and weeks through the whole deck, selection ends up on top
Also published here 52
Steve Beam Party Time spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Related toAlso published here 54
Jay Ose Triple False Cut
Steve Beam Second Birthday spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday, with multiple selections
"Magic" Christian Stelzel Prime Cut four cards form spectator's birthday
Inspired by 57
"Magic" Christian Stelzel The Switch switching two of three cards, while turning one card over
Simon Aronson Birthday Memories spectator deals cards for month and day of his birthday then remembers a card, performer reveals selection and birthday
Inspired by 59
Steve Beam Old Magicians humorous article
Steve Beam Glossary of Abbreviations used in the Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Series humorous article
Steve Beam, Marty Kane Shrink-Wrapped Card Magic chapter intro, with short autobiography of Marty Kane
Marty Kane The Jack of Death Card Trick involving spelling, down-under deal, presentation
Inspired by 66
Marty Kane Halve It Your Way deck is split in two groups and always one half eliminated, selection remains, several versions
Inspired byVariations 67
Jerry K. Hartman Transfer Glimpse
Marty Kane Precision Division deck is split in two groups and always one half eliminated, selection remains, several versions
Inspired byRelated to 71
Marty Kane Progressive Card Magic two phases, good poker hands are formed
Inspired by
  • "Heavyweight" (Peter Duffie, 21 Card Tricks)
Also published here
Marty Kane Modern Day Moracle packet cut off and reduced to one card via reverse faros, this card is selection and four aces on top of discard piles, with two variations
Also published here 76
Marty Kane Fraps on Craps
Inspired byVariations 78
Steve Beam Mora-Cull stacking by using the spread cull
Marty Kane Dream Team Scheme with three cards
Gene Finnell Free Cut Principle
Marty Kane Single Decker Spell Checker
Marty Kane The Anna Graham Scam with letters on the back to form words
Related to
  • Marty Kane's "Anna Graham's Magic Spells" in "Precursor" #76.
Steve Beam Pure Math chapter intro
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Matsuyama's Mates color, suit and picture/spot are used for down under deal, finding selection and mate
Inspired by 88
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Lie Decktector four of a kind as climax, using the Matsuyama Force
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Random Illusion card is created which is predicted
Inspired by 90
Brother John Hamman Flip-Flop Force variation of the Cut-Deeper Force
Robin Robertson, Peter Duffie Matsuyama to the Max card is divined by down under dealing, Matsuyama force
Doug Canning Fourmat Matsuyama principle with more than two variables
Related toVariations 92
Steve Beam The Eliminator Matsuayama Force for more than two variables, chart, with variation (Even Balder)
Related toVariations 92
Steve Beam Odder than Even prediction is matched by using The Eliminator
Related to 95
Doug Canning Burnout The Eliminator to build a number, only odd-backed card in the deck at that position
Related to 95
Doug Canning Triple Play card is formed, prediction
Tino Call Think of a Card Spectator looks at any card in the deck and at it's mate, card can be named
Related to 97
Steve Beam One in 52 number from 1 to 52, square sum is counted and value counted again to arrive at a card, with variations
  • Hat Trick
  • Wordplay
Also published here 99
Steve Beam Double Dipping two cards are located
Reinhard Müller Divination Three by Four object laid out in a matrix, one is selected and divined
Related to
  • Reinhard Müller's "3x3 Square Divination" in "Precursor" LXIII, 1998.
Jack Avis Bent Out of Shape six pairs on the table, one is turned over and card remembered, packed and selection are divined
Steve Beam Fat Burning with Magic humorous article, continued on p. 180
Steve Beam Stirring the Stew chapter intro
Allan Slaight Rage with an 'N' slip of paper with words THENTEAR is used to predict TEN HEART and THREATEN, card trick and book test together
VariationsAlso published here 110
Countback Force number minus square sum to find card
Steve Beam Imaginary Vanish mathematical problem, dividing money
Inspired by
  • Stewart James' "One-Cent Tale" in "The James File" p. 1931.
Steve Beam Testimonials humorous article
Steve Beam Alpha Bet analysis of Stewart James' one-card handling of the Gilbreath principle
Inspired byRelated to 113
William Goodwin A Royal Parcel
Inspired by 118
Scott Robinson Repackaged Prediction several cards are chosen, values added, sum prediction
Inspired byVariations 119
Steve Beam Celebrity Testimonials humorous article
Stewart James Fourth Incantation
Related toVariations 121
Steve Beam Luck and the Magician humorous article
Steve Beam Singularities chapter intro
Tony Griffith The All Backs Routine
Elias Ugart Slip and Slide production of face-down selection in center of deck
Lewis Jones Up and Down Double cards are shuffled face down into face up, spectator removes a face up card and performer a face-down card with same value
Inspired by 133
Steve Beam Semi-Automatic Card Tricks Volume 4 - Alternative Titles humorous article
David Solomon Just Friends four Kings cut in four packets, the Kings suddenly are in the hand of the performer, Queens found at bottom of packets
VariationsAlso published here 135
Doug Canning Quiet Time coding value of a card, by holding a card
Steve Beam The Human Transmitter spectator divines selection by removing card with same value and one with same suit, repeated
Inspired by 138
Harvey Rosenthal Direct Transposition
Inspired by 140
Steve Beam Dicycles card revealed by counting down to number rolled with dice, small setup
Inspired by 142
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Double Dicycles card revealed by counting down to number rolled with dice, as prediction
Inspired by 144
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Jinxed humorous email conversation
Steve Beam Impossible Locations chapter intro
Mick Ayres Speed-Reader performer apparently memorizes deck, names position of selection
Variations 150
Doug Canning Speed-Reader II
Steve Beam Knowing Where It Isn't
Doug Canning Dealer's Choice sone card location
Bob Farmer Fourgery (Four Impromptu Outs)
R. Paul Wilson Ring three times a card is located
  • Shizuko
  • Yoichi
  • Sadako
Related to 159
Steve Beam The Hitchhiker humorous article
Steve Beam Gambling Tricks chapter intro
Steve Beam, Doug Canning Spineless spectator selects a dealt hand and remember a card, after dealing new hands, performer finds card and adds a good hand
Steve Beam Bullet-Ridden with Black Jack and Poker theme
Related to 168
Gianfranco Preverino A Perfect Bridge Partner all cards of a bridge hand are divined
Also published here
  • "Adivinacion Sin Preguntas" in "La Circular de la Escuela Mágica de Madrid" N° 267, 2001
Simon Aronson Aronson Stack brief
Lee Asher Milking the Boards fake milk shuffling sequence, overhand stacking gag
VariationsAlso published here 173
Steve Beam Beating the Cut prediction of poker hand
Steve Beam Gambler's School prediction of poker hand
Steve Beam Lucky Digits small packet counted to named number until only one card remains
Related to 177
Steve Beam The Empty Upjog several cards are touched and removed, exchange one or several cards against cards wanted
Steve Beam Betting on Triumph some cards are mixed face up into face down, betting on builded pairs, spectator loses against performer
Inspired by
  • "The Two Clerks" in T. O'Conor Solane's "Rapid Arithmetic", 1922.
John Moran Challenge Deal high card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a royal flush
Variations 182
Steve Beam Starter Cards low card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a straight flush
Inspired by 183
Steve Beam Starter Cards #2 low card is named and spectator places the card in the deck, when cards next to it are removed they form a straight flush
Inspired by 185
Steve Beam The Omega Particle multi-phase betting game
Related toVariations 186
Steve Beam Posthumous Testimonials What Famous Dead Magicians Are Saying About The Semi-Automatic Series humorous article
Steve Beam Card Tricks Without Cards chapter intro
Steve Beam Sixty-Nine performer predicts numbers, alternately written down on business cards
Steve Beam The Sifter cards face-up and face-down, while stripping out half of them, a card is moved to the top
Variations 196
Rajneesh Madhok Table Sifter cards face-up and face-down, while stripping out half of them, a card is moved to the top
Inspired by 198
Steve Beam Scrabbled word built with ABC cards is predicted
Also published here 200
Scott Robinson, Doug Canning, Steve Beam Men of Letters prediction of built word with ESP cards,
Steve Beam Alpha Male humorous divination of selected letter, with ABC cards
Inspired by 205
Steve Beam Magic Squares chapter intro
Steve Beam Steve's Nothing-To-Do-With-Canning's-Idea Prediction number is formed by simple arithmetics and predicted with a coin
Steve Beam Steve's Even-Less-To-Do-With-Canning's-Idea Prediction with number on a bill
Steve Beam Doug-Less with different dates on coins to form numbers
Steve Beam Two Squared using serial number of bill
Steve Beam Faking Serial Number with printer
Steve Beam Updates chapter intro
Steve Beam Mortality - The Second Opinion card found at number, number indicates how long person will live
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 220
Steve Beam Preventive Poker deck is shuffled twice, second time face up into face down, spectator deals face up cards to himself and face down to performer, performer has a straight flush, more freedom
Inspired by 223
Newell Unfried No-Looking Location divination of a card
Related to
  • Tony Koynini's "Any Number" in "Tony Koynini's Card Miracles", 1951,
Steve Beam The Box Magician chapter intro
Andi Gladwin Resets in an Instant red cards transpose with black cards, with card case
Variations 228
Steve Beam The Widow Maker Aces change into Kings, color change in card case
VariationsAlso published here 230
Herb Zarrow Zarrow Block Addition
Steve Beam Box Top Change color change in card case
Steve Beam Red & Black Widow red half transpose with black half, with card case
Inspired byRelated toAlso published here 236
Steve Beam Boxing Triumph half the deck without selection, in card case
Variations 238
Depth Illusion wand and cup move, cup deeper from inside than outside, done with card case and pencil
Tenkai Ishida Optical Turn
Card Reverse while turning deck over
Also published here
  • Adrian Plate's "Magicians' Tricks - How They Are Done" p. 70.
Steve Beam The 15/15 Force forcing number 15
Steve Draun The Unpublished Move only top card is moved
Elias Ugart Siesta Force also with multiple cards
Variations 245
Steve Beam Nap Force
Inspired by 246
Steve Beam R&B Shuffle
Variations 248
Steve Beam Quickie Reference Section intro, brief explanations of used principles and moves
Steve Beam Memory ADE for fishing suit
Bill Simon, Steve Beam Prophecy Move
Steve Beam Underhand Shuffle
  • Finer Points
  • Why It Works
  • Double Undercut Alternative
  • Top Stock Only
Steve Beam Errata Volume One
  • Color Vision
  • Double Stop
  • World's Greatest Magician
  • Quadruple Prediction
Volume Two
  • Bite Me / Underhand Location
  • Well Shaken
Volume Three
  • Memory ADE
Related to 251
Steve Beam Closing Commercial
Steve Beam "Thanksgiven"
Steve Beam Routine Builder
Data entered by Lorenz Schär, July 2019.