2,912 entries in Cards / Effect Themes / Turnover & Reverse
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
Friedrich W. Conradi-Horster Das wunderbare Umdrehen einer Karte mitten im Spiele selection turns over in deck, duplicate
1896 74
A Comedy of Errors rising cards with cards turning over and transforming during rise, acrobatic gimmicks that can be palmed off
Related to 1897 211
The Turning Card card rising out of deck visibly turns over
Related to 1897 262
Francis King Die gehorsamen Karten three selections reverse in the deck, deck secretly reversed under cover card
Aug. 1901
Die Zauberwelt (Vol. 7 No. 8)
C. O. Williams The Turned Card selection turns over in deck, deck reversed under cover card
1904 40
The Reversed Card
1909 46
Charles T. Jordan The Single-Card Reverse No. 16
Related toAlso published here 1919/1920 50
Charles T. Jordan The Half-Pack Reverse No. 17
Related toAlso published here 1919/1920 52
Charles T. Jordan The Alternate Reverse No. 18, every other card is openly reversed, they all right themselves again
VariationsAlso published here 1919/1920 54
Louis Haley The Straight-Jacket Reversed Card No. 3, selection pushed into rubber-banded deck turns over
Also published here 1920 8
Charles T. Jordan The Brain Twister No. 7, deck has hole at one end with thread, selection reverses itself despite thread
Also published here 1920 15
Charles T. Jordan A Unique Reverse No. 4, thought-of picture card reverses itself in the deck, using cards glued back-to-back at one end with one cut short
VariationsAlso published here 1920 10
Tom Sellers A New Reversed Card Effect cards reverse themselves, number of reversed cards coincides with value of selection
1927 12
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Double Reverse double facer
Also published here 1928 16
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Reverse Location cards next to selection turn over, double backer(s)
Also published here 1928 17
William Larsen, T. Page Wright A Double Reverse two cards reverse one by one
1928 23
Coincidence two cards chosen in one deck reverse itself in another deck
1928 21
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die plötzlich sich verwandelnde gezogene Karte transformation of face-down top card, faced deck
1930 65
Friedrich "Fritz" Hügli Die sich im Spiel umdrehende gezogene Karte card reverses in deck, under handkerchief
1930 90
Nelson Hahne The Ultra Card Reversal selection reverses in the deck
1930 18
Joe Berg A Routine with a Double-Back Cards card placed second comes to top several times, sequence à la The Trick that Fooled Houdini, then reversal sequence with faced-deck finish
1930 35
Victor Farelli The Reversal card chosen with knife stab, another card pocketed, for both cards, two cards are found that denote value and suit, one of the pairs reversed
1931 7
Eric F. Impey Turno selection cleanly turns over in deck
1931 2
Ralph W. Hull (2) Chosen Card "Turn-Over" chosen card reverses after an example-card turns over
1932 11
Ralph W. Hull (3) In Spectator's Own Hands
1932 11
Ralph W. Hull (5) Multi-Card "Turn Over" three selections turn over, pushed into secretly reversed deck with cover card
1932 12
Ralph W. Hull (6) Topsy-Turvy Climax slop shuffle triumph with preliminary phase in which cards are really shuffled face-up/face-down
1932 12
A Novel Reverse Discovery selection appears reversed where spectator cut
1933 24
The Homing Belles four of a kind matching selection turns over, removed, transpose with four other reversed cards in deck, four duplicate Queens
1933 26
T. Page Wright Card Force and Reverse card forced via peek force, it then turns over fairly
1933 22
Louis Haley Haley's Turn-Over Card
Also published here 1933 40
T. Page Wright Sympathetic Packs - A Giant Card Effect card turned over in deck, same card turns over in jumbo deck, then back again
1933 49
The Cops Get Their Man black Kings reverse, they are encircled with rubber band, selection appears between banded Kings
1934 62
Theodore Annemann The Borrowed Deck Tragedy selection turns over in deck, then it's put in an envelope and envelope destroyed, card reappears face up in deck, borrowed deck, duplicate
Related toAlso published here 1934 3
Louis Lam Would you Believe it? freely selected and replaced card is instantly named, then reverses itself
1935 8
Louis Lam "Reverso"
1935 10
Louis Lam "Alice in Wonderland" card turns over multiple times, then is spelled out
1935 15
The New Spell spectator spells behind back, card appears reversed
1935 100
A Reversal of Form wrong card turns over and back, then selection
1935 103
The Joker's Own Deception No. 18, seven cards removed, four of those chosen, one thought of, all pushed put reversed in deck, only selection ends up reversed
1935 21
Sympathy Connection No. 29, two cards chosen in complicated way in one deck turn over in another deck
1935 29
A Peculiar Turn Around No. 50
1935 44
Lin Searles An Amusing Reversal ambitious card, then chosen card turns over, double backer
Related to 1936
The Jinx (Issue Summer Extra 1936)
The Spectator Becomes a Magician performer's selection reverses
1936 153
New Half Pack Reverse
1936 158
Peculiarities of the Pasteboards three selections, one spelt to, one appears on top, one reversed
1937 48
Jean Hugard The New Spell card is spelled out and appears reversed at correct position
1937 49
The Queen Turns Over double backer and sticky card
1937 106
Turno sticky card
1937 108
Reversed Color Surprise card reverses and changes back color, sticky card
1937 110
Alice in Wonderland card turns over and is spelled to, double backer
1937 117
Frank Lane Double Backed Card Routine back of selection changes, ambitious card phase, count-down phase, card reverses, double index gaff and double backer
1937 118
Turnover double backer
1937 122
Repeating Card Turnover twenty-six double backers
1937 123
William Larsen A Reverse Location cards next to selection turn over, double backer(s)
VariationsAlso published here 1937 123
Reversi three selections turn over, 51 double backers
1937 124
U. F. Grant Giant Acrobatic Cards some jumbo cards are dealt face up face down alternating, they turn over again while a second packet is now mixed alternately, double backers
VariationsAlso published here 1937 127
U. F. Grant The Spotter Cards card reverses itself and indicates position of selection, double facer
1937 131
William Larsen Double Reverse double facer
Also published here 1937 134
U. F. Grant A Changing Card wrong card turns over and changes into right one in sandwich, double facer
1937 136
Theodore Annemann The Improved Burned Card selection turns over, is burned and reappears in deck, double facer
1937 136
Walter B. Gibson Simplified Reverse
1937 167
Wimborough Upside Down mentally selected card of four turns over in deck
Variations 1937 167
U. F. Grant U Bite oops control
1937 168
Louis Haley The Haley Reversed Card
Also published here 1937 169
Coincidence two cards turned over, in second deck same two cards are found turned over
1937 171
Reversed Card svengali deck
1937 249
Charles T. Jordan Just the Reverse card chosen and replaced, deck cased and dumped out again so the spectator can check it, card turns over, stripper card held back and then deck replaced reversed
Related toAlso published here 1937 268
Reversible Cards card alternated face up and down, stripper deck
1937 275
Three Card Reverse stripper deck
1937 276
U. F. Grant The Midnight Marvel four of a kind reversed itself in dark room, duplicates
1937 295
A Reversed Location short card
1937 314
Judson S. Brown A Super-Reverse Problem any card called for reverses itself, invisible deck with waxed pairs
1937 335
Charles T. Jordan Reversed Cards cards are apparently dealt alternately face-up/face-down but only the first ten cards are, then bluff, really mixed cards are not shown
Also published here 1937 355
Buried Alive jacks put reversed in deck turn over beneath handkerchief
1937 360
Val Evans Multeffect Cards long-short paired deck used for a routine of eighteen different effects
Related toVariations 1937
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Tom Bowyer The Restless Dozen twelve cards counted in strange way, then every second card is turned over, then half the cards together
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1936/37)
Oscar Weigle, John Goodrum The Perfect Card Routine card is forced and vanishes from deck via double facer, duplicate can appear anywhere, employed in three phase routine in which a card turns over, another changes into a selection and the third selection travels into pocket
1937 37
Joe Berg Different Disclosure card selected behind back, cut into deck, deck cut through handkerchief straight at selection which is reversed and face up
1937 2
Reversing Whole Pack - 1st Method
1938 215
2nd Method
1938 216
A Fan Reverse
1938 217
Obedient Cards
1938 242
Two Card Reverse
1938 267
The Self Reversing Cards ten cards are dealt face-up/face-down, five double backers
Related to 1938 480
Martin Gardner Power! selection turns over, then transposes with duplicate from odd-backed deck
Feb. 1938
The Jinx (Issue 41)
Clayton Rawson The Card from Hell selection turns over and becomes different back color
July 1938
The Jinx (Issue 46)
Charles T. Jordan 1. The Reversed Card chosen card turns over, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Charles T. Jordan 2. Reverse by the Wholesale every other card is reversed, they all turn over face down again, using Jordan's Ultimo deck
Also published here 1939
The Jinx (Issue Winter Extra 1938/39)
Oscar Weigle Remote Reverso two decks, performer and spectator count down and stop and remember card, spectator's card reverses in performer's deck and vice versa
1939 31
An Automatic Reverse using one hand only
1940 275
A Rapid Reverse using one hand only
1940 276
Cagliostro Cuts the Cards spectator cuts to his face up card
1940 341
A Quick Reversal order of pack is preserved
1940 341
Louis Zingone Reverse Supreme mental reverse, bluff spacing in fan
Related toVariations 1940 344
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Related toVariationsAlso published here Jan. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 77)
Theodore Annemann The Whistle two cards reverse with fun presentation
Variations Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 80)
Kent Arthur "Never Idle" Cards slop shuffle Triumph with twelve card packet
Feb. 1940
The Jinx (Issue 81)
Kent Arthur Pastiche card selected, another turns over, third selection predicted
The Jinx (Issue 106)
Les Vincent The Triple Reverse two duplicates
The Jinx (Issue 108)
Paul Curry Card Reverse
1940 51
Laurie Ireland Reverse Card Trick
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1940)
Martin Gardner Improved Topsy-Turvy Deck up to three selections, with slop shuffle followed by a riffle shuffle
Related to 1940 4
Martin Gardner Face to Face Fantasy halves placed face-to-face right itself except selection, repeat with second selection
Related to 1940 7
Martin Gardner Pad Spread Principle spreading deck lightly with reversed cards so they don't show, then with more force so they appear
Related to 1940 7
Martin Gardner Double Climax Speller performer spells to wrong card which is there, then spectator to right card which is reversed
Related to 1940 10
Martin Gardner Eye-Pop Routine two selections reverse in the center, then travel back to top, pseudo duplicates
Related to 1940 18
Edward Victor “Face to Face” Pack Effects (First Method) deck is openly “faced,” card rises out of deck, magician reinserts it reversed and it slowly lowers back into deck, deck is all facing same way, (note: Fig. 9 is audience’s view)
Related to 1940 ca. 16
Edward Victor “Face to Face” Pack Effects (Second Method) deck is “faced” in telescoped condition, face cards of each half are noted, one half reverses to face same way as other half, face cards verified as still the same
Related toVariations 1940 ca. 19
Edward Victor A “Quick” Reversed Card Trick selection reverses itself in deck twice
1940 ca. 24
Tenkai Ishida Tenkai's Reverse Cards Mystery
Also published here 1941 215
The Great Merlini Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1941
The Jinx (Issue 132)
Oscar Weigle One Up cards shuffled face-up/face-down by spectator, two methods (stripper and deck switch)
June 1941
The Jinx (Issue 141)
Fred Rothenberg A Double-Dyed Swindle wrong card reverses, selection rises to top, previously reversed card jumps in pocket, double facer
1941 46
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue The Slop Reverse
1941 14
Lloyd W. Chambers Molecular Cards deck is pulled open into a stream of cards, selection is only reversed card in facedown stream, tape
1941 14
Paul Curry Face to Face faced deck straightens out, repeat
1941 23
Paul Curry Two Card Routine
  • Effect No. 1: Joker and Ace of Spades change places
  • Effect No. 2: Joker on top, Ace on the bottom vanish and are found together in the center
  • Effect No. 3: Joker and ace pushed in the deck, travel to top and bottom
  • Effect No. 4: two numbers are called, counted and the cards found at those positions are Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 5: Joker and Ace reverse in the deck
  • Effect No. 6: spectator reverses one card behind his back, it is the Joker
  • Effect No. 7: two selections are put face up into the deck, next to them the Joker and the Ace are found
  • Effect No. 8: selections transform into Joker and Ace
  • Effect No. 9: two cards clipped by four paper clips are removed from the pocket, Joker and Ace
Also published here 1941 27
Edward Marlo One Hand Reverse behind the back
Inspired by 1942 8
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue Triple Turn Up three selections, cards alternately face-up and down, half deck double backers
Related to 1942 8
Eddie Joseph The Writing on the Wall card chosen and some personal information written on paper, card reverses and information divined, impression with daub
1942 69
Eddie Joseph The Raw Recruit card reverses repeatedly under strict conditions, duplicates
1942 79
Martin Gardner A Face to Face Routine
Related to 1942 24
Dai Vernon Multiple Card Pass to top
  • To Bring the Aces to the Bottom of the Deck
  • To Reverse the Aces in the Center of the Deck
VariationsAlso published here 1943 192
The Reversed Card
1943 265
Nate Leipzig Double Reverse
1943 265
Jean Hugard, Frederick Braue A Reverse and a Recovery two wrong cards found, then the selections turn over, humorous presentation
1943 13
Roger Barkann The Pluperfect Steal deck is shuffled face up and face down, four cards put in a box, the cards vanish and the deck is in order again, with Duolette
Feb. 1943
The Phoenix (Issue 29)
George H. Pittman Double Reverse spectator and performer each hold half of the deck, select a card and exchange it to put it in the other packet, one packet is reversed and placed in the middle of the second packet, finally all cards are face down except the selections
Aug. 1943 10
Warren Wiersbe Back Up about a dozen cards turn over together in center with selection back up in middle
1944 4
Warren Wiersbe Tell How It's Done selection reverses, then sucker explanation
1944 5
Warren Wiersbe The Hindu "Slop Shuffle"
1944 12
Phil Thomas Neat Slop Shuffle different handling for the slop shuffle triumph
Related to May 1944
The Phoenix (Issue 60)
Charles Hudson Those Confusing Ladies two Queens face up in the center of the deck change places wit the other Queens on top of the deck ans all Queens are face down, one-handed, deck held behind back
Mar. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 10)
Charlie Miller Reverse Interlude spectator names a number, that amount of cards are found reversed in the deck, with not-hearing strategy (tecnica del sordo)
Also published here Apr. 1944
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 1 No. 11)
Tom Bowyer Routine with a Svengali Deck different effects with a svengali deck, reverse, spelling, counting, all alike
June 1944 54
Edward Marlo Surprise Reverse
1945 19
Edward Marlo Surprise Again
1945 20
Edward Marlo Four Ace Reverse
Related to 1945 21
Edward Marlo Future Reverse spectator peeks at a card, indicator face up in deck, locates selection, six methods
Variations 1945 3
Wilbur T. Kattner The Timed Turnover two cards reverse one by one, see also Orville Meyer's "Timed Turnover"
1945 18
Art Lyle My Clutch Slips (Or Reverso with No Breaks)
1945 21
Paul Curry A Period of Darkness selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
VariationsAlso published here June 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 86)
John Hamilton Super Slop Shuffle two phases, separating into odd and even, all odd in one direction and evens in the other after real face-up/face-down shuffle, then triumph effect, see Back Room #90 for Ed Marlo ideas
Related to July 1945
The Phoenix (Issue 87)
Don Medley 2. The Sloppy Shuffle
Sep. 1945 150
Don Medley 3. Reversed Card Discovery
Sep. 1945 150
Edouard Cartier Cartier's Card Reversal and Spelling selection vanishes and appears reversed when spelled to
Sep. 1945 151
Don Medley 4. Another Reversed Discovery
Sep. 1945 152
Don Medley 5. The Secret Revealed
Sep. 1945 152
Don Medley 6. The Spectator Does It card turns over in deck while it is in spectator's hands, indifferent card palmed onto selection and double replaced as one
Sep. 1945 152
Jackie Flosso Flopso Reverso peeked selection turns over in deck, featuring reverse technique in which card is pushed out and held in clip palm while deck is turned over it
Dec. 1945 174
Dai Vernon Triumph
VariationsAlso published here 1946
Stars of Magic (Vol. 2 No. 1)
Arthur H. Buckley The Unexpected Ending Experiment No. 9 - two selections, one turns over, other is counted to
Variations 1946 159
Arthur H. Buckley A Card Gets Out of Hand Experiment No. 16
1946 167
Arthur H. Buckley The Mix-Up Experiment No. 24
1946 179
Arthur H. Buckley The Slop Over Card Location Experiment No. 32 - using slop shuffle
1946 195
Arthur H. Buckley A Quickie Experiment No. 37 - backed instead of faced
1946 206
Arthur H. Buckley Four Aces Par Excellence Experiment No. 38 - Aces instead of selection
1946 206
Simple Reverse crude
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
Edward Marlo Reverse
Early Marlo (Issue Marlo's Discoveries)
George Sands Super Optical Illusion four blue backed cards reverse themselves and changes faces and backs, see p. 320 for comment
Related toVariations Dec. 1946 275
Three Card Location three selections turn over
1946 40
Edward Marlo Aces over Kings Aces turn over among other cards, Kings appear
1947 43
Edward Marlo Marlo's Triumph Aces
1947 46
Edward Marlo, George Sands Upside Down Kings turn face up, then down, change to Aces, placed in deck, back to Kings, Aces from pocket
1947 50
Bruce Elliott One Hand Cop with whispering queens and reversing card to illustrate the move
Apr. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 123)
Bruce Elliott Changeable three cards, queen in center turns over
Aug. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 131)
Edward Marlo Not Quite Sure card is selected, then all cards of same value turn over
Related to Oct. 1947
The Phoenix (Issue 137)
Paul Ebling Behind His Back card chosen and returned behind performer's back, when he brings deck forward he instantly names card and it is reversed
1947 45
J. B. Bobo The Invisible Deck classic Invisible Deck
1947 51
Harold J. Kelly The Marvel Card Trick faced deck straightens out
Aug. 1947 344
Clayton Rawson Magic Is Easy spectator touches a card and it's card named before by performer, repeated, then card reversed
Sep. 1947 351
Jean Hugard Torn and Restored Card with Borrowed Deck chosen card found reversed in center of the deck, then card is torn, pieces put in tissue paper and burnt, card found restored and reversed inside the deck
Sep. 1947 353
Clayton Rawson The Two-Faced Stranger selection turns over, then wrong card turns over, transformation to correct card in the hand of spectator
Oct. 1947 360
Topsy-Turvy Cards
1948 13
Throughth and Consequences
1948 150
Insidious Dr. Fu Liu Tu offbeat presentation
1948 151
Sid Lorraine A Tipsy Trick slop shuffle
1948 183
Double Reverse
1948 185
Mountebank Miracle kind of thought-of-procedure
1948 188
Paul Rosini Ace Transposition Aces on table change to indifferent cards, Aces face-up in pack, apparently by Charlie Miller see HMM Vol. 6 Nr. 10 p. 521 for credit
Related toVariations 1948 121
Bill Simon Tnuoc two selections, one is found by cutting to indicator card, second reverses in the middle of the deck
Apr. 1948
The Phoenix (Issue 148)
Tan Hock Chuan R. & S. Restless Cards seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1948 5
Frederick Braue Reverse Count-Down triumph, reversed card as indicator to find selection
Apr. 1948
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 5 No. 11)
Abril Lamarque New Teeth in Old Saws presentation for reversed card
Sep. 1948 465
Paul LePaul A Reverse Card Routine
Variations 1949 183
Al Leech, Edward Marlo Aces Up Aces vanish from deck, then are found face-up in deck
Variations 1949 10
Al Leech Turnover Divination
Related toVariations 1949 24
Ken Krenzel, Don Costello Miracle named card turns over
Jan. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 169)
Edward Clinkscale, Franklin V. Taylor Shades of Houdini selection is put back and deck hidden in other room, performer is tied to a chair and lights turned off, after some seconds the spectator gets the hidden deck and found the selection reversed and signed by the performer
Feb. 1949
The Phoenix (Issue 171)
Instantaneous Reversal Seven of Clubs and Eight of Spades placed in deck, instantly reverses in deck
1949 28
Clayton Rawson, George Sands The Super Dooper Optical Illusion four blue backed cards reverse themselves and changes faces and backs, messages appear on back of cards
Related to Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
Martin Gardner Topsy Turvy Deck marking spot in center for easier reversal of top half, slop shuffle triumph
Mar. 1949
Hugard's Magic Monthly (Vol. 6 No. 10)
U. F. Grant The Spotter Card Trick a Four spot reverses and is used to count to selection
Jan. 1949 8
Bill Simon A Set of Surprises number used to count to a selection which is then lost, selection not found but deck turns over, then selection turns over
Related to 1949 21
Follow Your Card observation test presentation, spectator's card ends up reversed
1949 35
Joe Stuthard A Good Twist Triumph with stripper deck, strip-out behind back
1949 20
Francis Carlyle The Upside-Down Deck No. 3, spectator and performer each select card from half the deck and exchange it, then faced-deck Triumph without shuffle
Related toVariations 1950 11
Bob Hummer, John Scarne Sensitive Fingertips No. 17, Performer unmixes a packet of cards that has been shuffled face up/down. Shown to have odd number of cards in packet
1950 36
John Scarne Reverso No. 22, Two selections magically reverse themselves after deck is held behind back
1950 43
Bob Hummer The Stubborn Card No. 46
1950 81
Larry Klunck The Acrobatic Card No. 49, Deck is thrown across table, selected card physically flips face up
1950 87
Bill Simon Double Surprise No. 61, card remembered at chosen position, card not found by counting to the value of another card, then card shows up reversed in deck
Related to 1950 108
Martin Gardner, Johnny Albenice, Bert Feinson Cross Suits No. 99, two cards reverse in the center, then travel back to the top
Related to 1950 189
John Scarne Scarne's Knockout Card Trick No. 116, cards in a mixed packet all right themselves leaving only the selection reversed
1950 224
Clayton Rawson The Jinx Card presentation about trouble-making card, spectator keeps selecting this card, it changes places with other selections, and turns over in the deck
July 1950 678
Clayton Rawson The Spectator Does It
Nov. 1950 719
Clayton Rawson Right Side Up after selection turned face up it turns face-down again
Nov. 1950 719
Clayton Rawson The Lightning Reverse
Nov. 1950 719
Paul Rosini The Fair Count count-down to named number, count repeated because of skepticism of audience, selection found reversed
VariationsAlso published here 1950 18
Paul Rosini The One-Armed Magician card peeked at, hand with deck instantly put behind back, performer names card and it is shown reversed, performer one-handed, intro and description by Jack Chanin
1950 35
Paul Rosini A Card Turns Over complicated method with reverse fan and pencil dotted card on the face
1950 48
Paul Rosini Follow Your Card card travels from top to center of deck reversed
1950 49
Paul Rosini Double Reverse spectator and performer each chose selection from half the deck, they end up reversed
Related toVariations 1950 53
Paul Rosini Secret Writing performer writes the name of a card on the face of another card, that predicted card turns over in the deck
1950 60
Bill Simon Biddled with just ten cards, without selection
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1951
The Phoenix (Issue 224)
Edward Marlo Effect No. 3 peeked-at card turns over
1951 2
Edward Marlo Effect No. 4 peeked-at card is reversed by performer behind back
1951 2
Edward Marlo Effect No. 7 peeked-at card is spelled to and found reversed
1951 3
Edward Marlo Effect No. 10 peeked-at card is shown reversed with table spread, optional ambitious card sequence follow-up
1951 6
Edward Marlo Effect No. 11 cards dealt face-up/face-down alternately, yet all cards are face-down again
1951 6
Toni Koynini Switch It deck shuffled face-up/face-down, performer sorts cards out behind his back except free selection, deck switch
  • The Basic Switch
  • Switch It
  • Alternative Routine
1951 5
Eddie Joseph The Forerunner slop shuffle triumph to set a key card a certain position for later
1951 4
Eddie Joseph Give Me Another Chance selection not found after slop shuffle, second selection made, then both found
1951 6
Eddie Joseph Everything Goes By Three shuffled deck, card chosen from one half put anywhere in spread of second half, slop shuffle, wrong card cut to, wrong card face-up in Triumph climax, selection spelled to
1951 10
Eddie Joseph Triple Discovery three cards lost and revealed, slop shuffle triumph climax
1951 11
Edward Marlo The Build Up red Aces produced, turn over when pushed through deck, sandwich black Aces, then previous selection
1952 106
Bill Simon The Instant Reverse selection is reversed in the deck, then all other cards with the same value turn over
Related to 1952 35
Bill Simon Sympathetic Control spectator cut deck in three piles, one queen is put in each pile, last queen is on the table, when that queen is turned over, the other queens turn over too
Variations 1952 39
Bill Simon The Turnabout Cards without selection
1952 48
Bill Simon The Gambler Controls the Aces cutting the Aces (jogged Aces), then all Aces turnover in the deck at once
Variations 1952 54
Bill Simon 1. Six Face Up Cards Right Themselves Spontaneously twelve cards
1952 140
Bill Simon 2. Odd Card Out twelve cards half face up, half face down, all cards right themselves except selection
1952 142
Stewart James The All Clear Card Transformation selection is found reversed and with different back at position indicated by card chosen by performer, cross sum force
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Die rote Karte hat sich nicht gedreht. card turns over in small fan
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 13 No. 3)
Bob Nelson Simplicity Discovery two cards on either side of a selection turn over
1952 55
Al Leech Quad Reverse three Mates of selected Card turn over
1953 3
Edward Marlo Hit the Aces ace packets are placed on deck, then all aces are together in center of deck
1953 80
Edward Marlo Mental Reverse
Related toVariations 1953 128
Edward Marlo Mental Reverse 2
1953 129
Edward Marlo Red & Blue Routine II card travels from packet into odd-backed deck, then turns over there
1953 39
Tommy Vanderschmidt In the Suit thought of card is reversed, spectator selects a paper with a suit and writes value inside
Aug. 1953
The Phoenix (Issue 287)
Vern Schoneck Crazy Mixed Up Cards! spectator's and performer's thought of card change places in the two halves of the deck and are found reversed
Feb. 1954
The Phoenix (Issue 300)
Bill Simon The Turnabout six or seven packets put together face-up and face-down, they sort themselves the same way
Variations 1954 18
Bill Simon The Four Packet Shuffle four packets are shuffled into each other face-up/face-down
Related toVariations 1954 21
Victor Comello One Out of Five card is found reversed in chosen pile
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1955)
Dr. Stanley Jaks, Peter Warlock Prediction one of three face-down cards is selected, initials written on back and put back in the deck, card turns over and is predicted
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 16 No. 5)
Louis Zingone, Tony Kardyro Zingone and Kardyro card reverses, then changes
Related to
  • Louis Zingone's "The Surprise Reverse"
1955 27
Tony Kardyro "The Magician's Best Friend" Joker appears reversed in deck and changes into selection
1955 28
Tony Kardyro The Boxed Cards from the Pockets "or The Reversed Cards from the Pockets or The Sloppy-Mixed Cards from the Pockets"
deck mixed face-up/face-down, deck put in two pockets, performer removes cards oriented one way in stages, selection remains in pocket
1955 32
Bill Simon Biddled with just ten cards, without selection
Also published here 1956 158
Lu Brent Double Trouble Spectator and magician each select a card. Performer's card is found reversed in the deck, then jumps to pocket, and the spectator's card is now reversed in the deck
Variations 1956 18
Lu Brent Double Trouble Again Same as Double Trouble, but both cards are now in pocket as the finale
Inspired by 1956 19
Jerry Andrus Surprise Reverse card chosen while fanning through deck, deck squared, selection shown reversed
Variations 1956 42
Jerry Andrus A Drunken False Shuffle false slop shuffle
Related to 1956 91
Jerry Andrus A Reverse Shuffle
1956 146
Edward Marlo The Time Machine 3&3, three reds and blacks are alternated, Ace of Spades put in center of one half, the other half shuffled upside-down, all things are undone when traveled back in time, writing of time written on a business card vanishes
Variations Sep. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 7)
Edward Marlo Separating Aces (4th Method) four Aces are placed in the center face-down, deck spread and Aces have distributed in the deck and turned face-up
Inspired by Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo All One Way eight cards mixed face-up/face-down, then all one way again, repeat, two extra cards
  • Notes to All One Way (with roughed deck idea)
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo Solutions to a Problem deck is cut and put face-to-face, number named and card in lower half remembered, card in upper half at same or different number also remembered, the card transpose, Thomas Wright problem
  • Solution No. 1
    • Notes on the Above (half pass suggestion)
  • Solution No. 2 (cards transpose and also turn over)
  • Solution No. 3
  • Solution No. 4
  • Solution No. 5
Variations Dec. 1956
Ibidem (Issue 8)
Jerry Andrus Geiger Counter Routine chosen card appears face up, in second phase a card is moved along spread, clicking sound changes at selection
Related toVariations 1957 3
Edward Marlo Hummer-Marlo packet mixed with cato procedure by spectator under table, one card remembered, performer sorts all except selection, faro
Related to Dec. 1957
Ibidem (Issue 12)
Al Leech Kings on the Loose red Kings change to black, then reverse and travel around in deck
Also published here 1957 6
Edward Marlo 76-76-67-67 no selection, using faro shuffle, with variation that ends in red-black separated deck
Related toVariations 1958 29
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1958 32
Bert Allerton Surprise Spelling
Related to 1958 30
Gala-Gala spectator and performer each select card from half the deck and exchange it, then faced deck Triumph without shuffle
Related to 1958
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 3)
Rolf Andra Der rätselhafte 3-Karten Trick three decks, chosen number to select card, cards turnover in each deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 19 No. 4)
Al Leech Easy Aces Reversed
1959 24
Bob Hutcheson, Jr. Remarkable Face Up and Face Down Revelation cards are turned over, number chosen by spectator, selection is only reversed card at the end
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1959)
Upsendown Cards every second card is turned over in twelve-card packet, then they all are backs up again, second phase in which all turn up again except selection
1959 1
Flapjack selection is found face-up in the deck
1959 5
The Final Spell selection turns over, then it is spelled out
1959 6
Matt Schulien Three Reversed three selections reverse at different positions at once
1959 30
Arthur Hastings Two For The Show two selections are peeked at, one turns over, other is counted to, see "Fan Letter" for credit information
Inspired byRelated toVariations July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Neal Elias A Reversed Location two cards peeked at in two halves, halves shuffled together, one selection is reversed and the other found next to it, faros
Inspired by July 1959
Ibidem (Issue 17)
Dai Vernon Twisting the Aces
Related toVariations 1960 5
James Steranko Voodoo Card "An Experiment into the Unknown"
card named and removed and turned over, mate turns over in deck, they transpose, Triumph phase
Variations 1960 58
Glenn G. Gravatt Flying Reverse selection travels from packet to packet and reverse itself in process
Also published here
  • Glenn Gravatt's "Flying Reverse" in "The Bat" 1949, February.
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 21 No. 4&5)
Bill Simon For Faro-Nicks faro Triumph with thirty-card deck
June 1960
Ibidem (Issue 21)
Dai Vernon A Quick Trick cards spread face up, one is named, extracted, put in, shown face up
1961 53
Edward Marlo Trite Effect card turns over, using Face Up (Spread) Switch
1961 63
Jack McMillen, Judson S. Brown, T. Page Wright Fifteen Card Trick Routine - 11, 12, 13
1961 22
Charlie Miller Variation of Vernon's Reverse Card Trick only the beginning described, see p. 38 for more information
1961 36
Charlie Miller The Reversed Card
1961 37
Charlie Miller, Dai Vernon Variation of Dai Vernon's Card Reverse multiple lifts on top of deck
1961 38
Charlie Miller The Four Aces and Four Jacks Aces removed and placed on hand of spectator, change into Jacks, Aces reversed in deck
Related to 1961 47
Jack Avis French Reverse
Oct. 1961
The New Phoenix (Issue 362)
P. Howard Lyons One-Speed Reverse card is reversed on bottom, comes back face-down to top, repeats in various variations
Related toAlso published here Mar. 1961
Ibidem (Issue 23)
Harry Lorayne Two Card Reverse
1962 27
Ken Krenzel Magnetic Reversals two selections, mates of two other selections turn face up and previous selections are counted to
Variations 1962 142
Edward Marlo One
1962 3
Arthur Rasper Die sich drehende Karte three cards, center one turns over, partial rough-smooth
1962 17
Francis Haxton More for the Show two selections are peeked at, one turns over, other is spelled to
  • Method #1
  • Method #2
  • Method #3
Inspired by Sep. 1962
Ibidem (Issue 26)
Nate Leipzig Reverso
1963 173
Nate Leipzig Turnabout
1963 188
North Bigbee Deckinesis mate in second deck turns over
Aug. 1963
The New Phoenix (Issue 382)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Double Reverse Handling spectator and performer each chose selection from half the deck, they end up reversed, to preserve the top stock
Inspired by Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Ronald A. Wohl (Ravelli) Ravelli's "Acrobatic Surprise" faced deck rightens itself, color changing deck kicker
Apr. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 28)
Neal Elias Four Ace Reverse multiple shift & reversal combination, dated 1949
Inspired by Aug. 1963
Ibidem (Issue 29)
Harry Lorayne Four of a Kind four of a kind lost, face up face down mix, all one way except four of a kind
1964 6
Harry Lorayne Revers-All three packets are faced, all one way except two selections
1964 34
Edward Marlo Treatise of an Original four aces turn over in spread at once at different positions, faro, tabled and in-the-hands-method
Related to 1964 59
Edward Marlo Instant Reverse thought-of card (of about twelve) turns over, faro hide-out
1964 60
Edward Marlo The Follow Up four piles with Ace on top of each, deck assembled, riffle sequence, Aces on bottom
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 3 Shuffle and Cut Discoveries)
Edward Marlo Two Triumphs
  • First Triumph (retains full order)
  • Second Triumph - Marlo's Triumph (retains colors)
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 6 Effects)
Edward Marlo Topsy-Turvy Ace Control
Related toVariations 1964
The Patented Shuffle (Issue 6 Effects)
U. F. Grant The Bashful Queens Queen between two Jacks turns face down
Variations June 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 391)
Francis Haxton Fickle Queen see also p. 406
Inspired by Nov. 1964
The New Phoenix (Issue 393)
Valentino Graziadei Ein geheimnisvoller Kartentrick borrowed deck, selection is found reversed in the deck, then card is destroyed and found in the deck again
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 25 No. 1&2)
Al Leech The Marked Card humorous interlude
1965 9
Al Leech Doubly Marked variation on "The Marked Card"
1965 10
Al Leech Flip Flop Floop routine around a move
1965 15
Harry Lorayne Quickie Effect with Toss-In Reverse, spectator cuts to his reversed card
1965 39
William Terry Culpepper A Magical Reverse card selected in one deck becomes reversed in second deck, for force Psychomatic Deck is suggested
Dec. 1965 6
Arthur Hastings Variations on a Theme: The Reverse Card intro
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Arthur Hastings The Direct Reverse card peeked at is shown reversed, presentations:
  • I Can't Find Your Card
  • A One Way Deck Exposé
Inspired by Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Arthur Hastings Metamorphosis wrong card reverses, reversed card in deck changes into selection
Inspired by Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Arthur Hastings The Untouched Reverse deck replaced in tabled deck, it turns over without touching, Curry Switched out before replacement
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Arthur Hastings References for reversed-card effects
Dec. 1965
Ibidem (Issue 31)
Tony Kardyro A Bold Reverse of a Selected Card
1966 3
Larry Jennings Larreverse "Chapter Ten"
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1967 59
Larry Jennings Double Reverse featuring Larreverse
1967 63
Larry Jennings Peeked Card Reverse with Larreverse and Turnover Pass
1967 64
Larry Jennings Gambler's Triumph "Chapter Eleven", four Ace Revelation by cutting packets, followed by Triumph with the Aces
Variations 1967 67
J. "Rink" van Rinkhuyzen Ups and Downs
Inspired by 1967 213
Harry Lorayne Outrageous Revelation #2 card replaced under table in secretly reversed deck
1967 42
John Benzais Modernized Slop Shuffle
1967 103
Bruce Cervon Rosecrans Reverse any named Ace reverses instantly in packet
Also published here Nov. 1967
Epilogue (Issue 1)
Edward Marlo Daring Triumph
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Edward Marlo Spreading a Deck in Strip Out Condition
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Edward Marlo Shuffling Out correcting a missed strip-out in Triumph
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Edward Marlo Triumph-Triumph-Triumph-Triumph
Riffle Shuffle Finale (Issue Riffle Finale)
Karl Fulves Epilogue card turned over in one deck turns over in other deck, selection written on card in one deck appears on same card in other deck
Related to
  • p. 109 for reference
July 1967 107
Gene Finnell Ups and Downs Aces are put back at different places and cut into face up and face down piles, all cards end up the same way except the Aces
1967 19
Ned Rutledge My Friend, Tonto writing appears on card and selection is found face up in the deck
Related toAlso published here 1967 5
Tan Hock Chuan Ruhelose Karten seven cards are shown, squared, then alternating face-up/face-down, repeated, partial rough-smooth
Also published here 1967 26
Allan Slaight The Eclectic Deck stack for seventeen effects, see also p. 29 for comments
  • 1. one of five cards thought of and located
  • 2. card location
  • 3. face-up deal stopped, value used to count to selection
  • 4. spelling to thought-of card
  • 5. open prediction
  • 6. card from packet to pocket
  • 7. two-card transposition
  • 8. card from hand to pocket
  • 9. Aces stacked, then Royal Flush dealt
  • 10. five good hands dealt
  • 11. blackjack demo with rubber-banded deck
  • 12. bridge demo with all Spades
  • 13. three-way transposition
  • 14. two selections reverse
  • 15. card chosen, spelled to and some matching cards found
  • 16. Ace assembly (not explained)
  • 17. Mind Mirror challenge location
  • Final Thoughts
  • Closing Credits (credits for all effects)
Also published here July 1967
Ibidem (Issue 32)
Edward Marlo The Simple Triumph
Variations 1968 40
Edward Marlo Cover-Up Triumph
1968 41
Terry Guyatt, Edward Marlo Guyatt's Drunken Cut Improved deck shuffled face up face down, still good hands dealt
Related toVariations 1968 63
Edward Marlo Repeat Reverse Routine selection keeps reversing itself
1968 98
Edward Marlo Repeat Reverse with Gaffs double backer or facer
1968 103
Roy Walton Impact Aces in envelopes with holes, chosen one turns over, then Ace in envelope turns over
Inspired byAlso published here Nov. 1968
Epilogue (Issue 4)
Edward Marlo Effect 6 face-up card in face-down deck transforms, see also page 29
1968 16
Edward Marlo Effect 15 - Marlo's Visible Reverse card visible reverses in deck
1968 24
Edward Marlo Thought Reversal from small packet thought of card turns over, Acrobatic Cards
1968 62
Paul Maurer, Paul Curry Der Mitternachtstrick selection in the deck and a signed slate turnover in the dark, while spectator secures them on the table
Inspired by 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 2)
Dr. William Weyeneth Aus meiner Kühltruhe three selections, with 26 double backer
Related to 1968
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 29 No. 6)
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Acrobatic Cards four cards, top and bottom cards turned over, they are all shown one way again, repeated
Variations 1968 20
Verne Chesbro, Larry West Twisting the Acrobats "Acrobatic Cards" as follow-up to Twisting the Aces
1968 22
Larry Jennings The Turncoat ace of spades vanishes, turns over, changes back, ... in small packet
1969 44
Alton Sharpe, Tom Sellers, Victor Farelli Turn Me Over a number of cards turns over distributed throughout deck corresponding with value of selection
1969 77
Louis Lam Reverso
1969 116
Alan Keith Triple Reverse three selections, one appears face up on pack, others reversed in deck
1969 119
Bruce Cervon Simple Triumph
Also published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Bruce Cervon Kellie Displacement tabled deck turns over except selection
Also published here July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Ralph Gironda Reversing Aces
Related to July 1969
Epilogue (Issue 6)
Bruce Cervon Simple Reverse
Related to Nov. 1969
Epilogue (Issue 7)
Jimmy Williamson Nicomar's Lesson card turns over, then spectator performs trick for performer
1969 35
Larry Jennings The Future Gambler overhand stacking demo, riffle stacking demo, triumph finish
Related to 1969
The Cardiste (Issue 13)
Roy Walton Impact Aces in envelopes with holes, chosen one turns over, then Ace in envelope turns over
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1969 31
Roy Walton The Overworked Card Triumph type of effect, one card travels from bottom to top and turns every reversed card over
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1969 33
Roy Walton The Happy Wanderers three cards in the middle, two travel to top and bottom, then cards are found in the middle again with one card reversed
Inspired byVariationsAlso published here 1969 39
Roy Walton A Simple Trick Using The Move wrong card reverses, then card is spelled to and it shows up reversed, Royverse application
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Roy Walton Named Card Shuffle
VariationsAlso published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Bruce Cervon Turnabout Is Faro Play "Method II", spectator separates face-up/face-down with closed eyes
Also published here Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
P. Howard Lyons Aces Over four Aces distribute in the deck and they turn over
Inspired by Aug. 1969
Ibidem (Issue 34 & 35)
Karl Fulves Triumff
Faro & Riffle Technique (Issue Second Supplement)
Lin Searles Odd Backed Reversing Aces color changing back kicker idea
Inspired by Mar. 1970
Epilogue (Issue 8)
Edward Marlo, Louis Histed No Palm Cards to Pocket two selections reverse one by one, then travel to pockets, double facer
Inspired by
  • "Merlinism" (Louis Histed, Abra, Oct. 3 1964)
1970 93
Edward Marlo Marlo's Miss triumph, only Aces face up with one card in between each, three selections, dated 1962
1970 97
Edward Marlo A Complex Problem two cards turn over and are used to count down to three selections in two piles
Related toVariations 1970 127
Edward Marlo No-turn Triumph two methods
Related toVariations Spring 1970
Hierophant (Issue 3)
Edward Marlo right-hand pressure fan notes reverse fan applications, hiding face-up cards in face-down fan, All Backs, ..., right-handed pressure fan suggested by Frank Shields
VariationsAlso published here Summer 1970
Hierophant (Issue 4)
Dai Vernon The Changing Cards four cards turn over, change from queens to aces one by one, then their backs
Variations 1970 8
Tom Hubbard Climax Twisting The Aces all Aces turn over except last one
Inspired by 1970
Ireland's Yearbooks (Issue Yearbook 1969-70)
Gene Lawton Ultra Reverse deck pocketed, spectator removes card, when deck is spread, its mate is reversed
Variations Apr. 1970 331
Bob Still Sight Unseen eight or nine cards placed under head, spectator reaches underneath and turns some cards over, then performer, then spectator again, when hat is lifted only selection is face-down
Winter 1970
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 6 No. 4th Folio)
Theodore Annemann La tragédie du jeu empruné selection turns over in deck, then it's put in an envelope and envelope destroyed, card reappears face up in deck, borrowed deck, duplicate
Also published here 1970
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 2)
Brother John Hamman Face Up - Face Down Surprise cards separated in reds and blacks, triumph with reds, black selection found in red pile, red and black piles change place
Also published here 1970
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 31 No. 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Aces to Aces Ace packet, two openly turned face down, then all are shown to be face down, then turned over to show they are not Aces, the indifferent cards are inserted into deck reversed, deck is spread revealing four faceup Aces
1970 13
Ian Baxter Cheeky Aces Jacks lost and they appear on top again, lost again and Aces are found face-up in deck together, Aces lost and they are found reversed again, put aside and Jacks are found reversed finally
Also published here
  • The Linking Ring
1970 11
Ian Baxter The Somersault Card Aces of Spades put on deck, in vanishes and appears face-up next to another card that was previously pushed into the center
1970 16
Ian Baxter Impromptu Transmigrationalism duplicate of a card reverses in second deck, then the two duplicates are turned over and shown to have transposed (with odd backs)
Inspired by 1970 18
Ian Baxter Joker Monte monte routine with Queen and Joker, cards dealt off the deck onto table before spectator guesses, then both are shown to be Jokers, all Queens seen face up in center
1970 21
Milton Kort Rosini's Aces Off Color Aces lost, they turn over at once, then change back color
Inspired by 1970 7
Milton Kort The Ace In The Case three card packet placed in case, shaken, taken out and center Ace turned over, repeat, color-changing back kicker of Ace
1970 23
Harvey Rosenthal Touch Turn Retouched one of five touched cards turns over, color changing back kicker
Inspired by
  • "Touch Turn" (Ed Marlo, Linking Ring, Sep. 1963)
1970 34
Allan Ackerman Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
1971 32
Edward Marlo Visible Phantoms fairly selected cards turn over, double facers
Inspired by Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Joe DeStefano The Wheeling Three twisting routine with three cards, then they turn over in pack, with notes by Ed Marlo
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
William P. Miesel That Twist Again final card changes front and back
Fall-Spring 1971
Hierophant (Issue 5-6)
Bruce Cervon All Shook Up color changing Triumph, red-blue double backer, including "Non-Gimmicked Method"
1971 3
Bruce Cervon 18-35 Farrow selection found reversed at original position after "mistake", faro
1971 6
Bruce Cervon Face Up Stacks overhand stack demo, then Triumph Stack
1971 7
Edward Marlo Delayed Double Climax four Kings instead of selection
Related to 1971 41
Lou Gallo, Ron O'Brian Shuffle Off to Buffalo Miracle
1971 51
Lou Gallo Osrever S'Ollag performer and spectator select cards from halves, the reverse
Also published here 1971 55
Derek Dingle Color Triumphant color changing deck climax
Related toVariations 1971 3
Peter Kane About Face Faro half deck is pushed through other half (incomplete faro) and turns over
Variations 1971 13
Ed Thiele Contrary Cards card turns over with strange procedure
Variations June 1971 426
Jean Hugard New Reverse first wrong card turns over, then right card
July 1971 433
Walter B. Gibson Triple Mental Repeat three cards in pocket, two removed and bringing mentally selected card out at last, repeated, duplicates
Related to 1971
Magick (Issue 28)
Bruce Cervon Optic Delusion! slop shuffle, order is maintained
Also published here 1971
Magick (Issue 32)
John Jennings Card Incident
Magick (Issue 33)
Roy Walton Helpmates two selections turn over with the help of two random cards which also turn over
Also published here 1971 9
Roy Walton Smokescreen selection made, twisting routine with Kings, then Kings are placed in case and selection appears in between
Also published here 1971 11
Roy Walton 1929 Aces Aces turn face up in the center of the deck, one by one
Also published here 1971 19
Roy Walton Travellers in Time red and black cards are separated, each half mixed face-up into face-down and top card placed into center, time machine plot, cards again on top, all cards face-down and mixed
VariationsAlso published here 1971 22
Roy Walton Parrott Fashion triumph, red Queens face-up with selection in the middle
Also published here 1971 38
Roy Walton Unaccustomed As We Are without counts
Also published here 1971 39
Roger Smith Twisting the Aces K-S extra card
1971 15
Roger Smith Twisting the Red Aces (Blue) color changing back finale, deck changes color as well, red/blue double backer
1971 17
Roger Smith A-2-3 K-S Style with a twisting phase, two methods
1971 19
Roger Smith 4 King Stunner Ace through Four reverse one by one, then change to examinable Kings, quartet type gimmick with Ace to Four
Variations 1971 24
Jerry K. Hartman Undercover Reverse reverse a card in spread under guise of turning down another faceup card
Related to 1971 12
Jerry K. Hartman Transpover selection lost in middle, magician picks a different card for himself and tables it, deck is spread revealing magician’s card reversed, tabled card is now selection
1971 12
Jerry K. Hartman Dominace two phases
  • three Aces face up in one half of deck travel to other half of deck to join faceup Ace of Spades
  • facedown Aces and faceup Ace of Spades are cut back into deck, deck is spread to show they are all face up again
1971 13
Jerry K. Hartman Thrice Over Lightly one at a time, an Ace, Two and Three each instantly turn face up in the deck
Inspired byVariations 1971 14
Jerry K. Hartman Beswitched transpo between reversed card in deck and facedown tabled card
1971 17
Bill Derman Repeat Tap Reverse Ace to Four turn over, then chosen value changes to selection and then into Joker and selection is removed from pocket
Inspired by Mar. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. 8)
Roger Smith Mental Reverse IV selection has odd-backed back as kicker, with four variations
Related toAlso published here Dec. 1971
Necromancer (Vol. 1 No. Bonus Extra)
Tom Batchelor The Search first card located, second card turns over in deck
1971 19
Tom Batchelor The Card Finders six piles made, one pile chosen, selection appears reversed in it
1971 28
George Sands, Dai Vernon Twisting the Aces last Ace turns in spectator's hands
Inspired by 1971 12
George Sands Business Card Magic four cards turn over one by one, in style of Twisting the Aces
1971 14
Frank Garcia Eye-Mazing Aces put on table change to Kings, Aces reversed in deck
Related to 1972 18
John Quine Center Reverse spread reverse similar to Larreverse
1972 13
Eddie Fechter Quick Reverse using palm
Also published here 1972 48
Dr. Richard Cook Roadrunner Card Trick color changing back kicker, gaffed
1972 58
Frank Pemper Ricardo's Triumph
1972 75
Jim Lee, Edward Marlo Triumph Plus with four-of-a-kind productions
Inspired by 1972 78
Jerry Mentzer Variation - No Turn Triumph
Inspired by 1972 83
Tony Binarelli Trick
1972 123
Karl Fulves Illusion Aces Aces turn over one by one between two Jokers, change to Kings
Inspired byRelated toVariations Mar. 1972
Epilogue (Issue 14)
Derek Dingle Twisting the Aces color changing back kicker
Related toVariationsAlso published here July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Derek Dingle Mental Triumph mathematical selection procedure
Related to July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 1))
Derek Dingle Gambler's Triumph matching the cards / triumph combo
July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Derek Dingle Progressive Triumph four selections, funny presentation, solution
Inspired by July 1972
Epilogue (Issue 15 (Part 2))
Edward Marlo Triumph as a Disguised False Shuffle
1972 27
Edward Marlo Think - Named Triumph new pack order, including six methods for "Restoring the Order of the Deck"
1972 29
Edward Marlo Multiple Choice Triumph chosen card can be any one in upper half
1972 57
Edward Marlo The Pickups Queens produced from incomplete riffle-shuffled deck, Triumph with Kings, then Queens transpose with Kings
Related to 1972 64
Edward Marlo Triumph Over Four named value as final reversed cards
1972 78
Edward Marlo Impromptu Think Triumph applying Hull's "Mental Discernment" (one out of nine)
1972 82
Edward Marlo Streamlined Think Triumph one of three, applying "Streamlined Discernment"
Inspired by 1972 86
Edward Marlo The Elusive Jacks black jacks change to red jacks, blacks reversed in deck, spectator locates reds again
Inspired by May 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 5)
Edward Marlo, Bill Simon To Set Up combination of two referenced Bill Simon effects
Inspired by June 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 6)
Larry Jennings Twist'in extra card
Variations Nov. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 1 (Vol. 1 No. 11)
David Bendix Sloppy Drunk Poker see page 16 for correction
Inspired by
  • "Slop Poker" (Pete Biro, Lecture Notes #1)
Jan. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 1)
The Partial Ascanio four as three
Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Gene Castillon Ladies sing the Blues three card twisting routine with color changing back kicker
Mar. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 3)
Edward Marlo Conditional Find selection found behind back, three cards of same value turn over, inspired by John Cornelius problem
Apr. 1972
Kabbala — Volume 2 (Vol. 2 No. 4)
Karl Fulves Mexican Monte monte/twist combo with unexpected/funny cards appearing
Related toVariations 1972 8
Karl Fulves Maximum Leader 2&2 oil water, twisting, then all backs change to various colors
1972 18
Karl Fulves Progressive Aces Joker between Aces turned over, then Aces follow one by one, posed as problem, for solution see reference
Variations 1972 25
Fred Kaps Fred Kaps Version of Twisting the Aces Using the Ascanio Spread with Ace to Four of Clubs, color changing back finale
Also published here 1972 2
Neal Elias Ambitious Get Ready "Get Ready For Braue After Zingone" (see next trick)
Inspired by Jan. 1972 477
Louis Zingone Surprise Reverse card on top, another card put in center, it rises to top and other card is reversed in center, for Dai Vernon credit see p. 484
Related toVariationsAlso published here
  • Surprise Reverse (Cigam, Walter Schwartz, 1931)
Jan. 1972 477
Dai Vernon The Loving Couple King and Queen transpose in the deck, Queen turns face up, see also p. 486
Related toAlso published here Feb. 1972 484
Roy Walton Simple Math pseudo math presentation to spell to selection which also reversed itself
Also published here May 1972 517
Brother John Hamman Hamman Surprise Ace through Four of Clubs turn face-down one by one, then both sides change color
Inspired by
  • Mike Rogers effect
Also published here
Summer 1972
The Pallbearers Review Vol. 5-8 (Vol. 7 No. 7th Folio)
Derek Dingle Master Poker Demonstration combination, color changing deck climax, simplified handling
  • Getting Ready
  • Cutting the Aces
  • The Second Deal
  • Dealing from the Bottom
  • Stacking
  • Patter
  • Notes for Card Experts, Historians and Anyone Else Who Might be Interested
Inspired byRelated to 1972
Innovations (Issue 1)
Roger Pierre Count-Down! reversed card in deck as locator card
Magick (Issue 40)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Hell's Fire! five business cards with words on them, spectator divines them correclty
Inspired byVariations 1972
Magick (Issue 59)
Hilarious Finish to an Old Trick
1972 44
Walter B. Gibson Double Reverse spectator's and performer's cards reverse
Also published here 1972 116
Laurie Ireland, Jess Kelly A Pantomime Card Location
1972 117
Franklin M. Chapman Under Cover card turns over and rises
1972 119
Clayton Rawson Name Your Poison spectator decides how selection is found: turns over, is spelled to or travels to pocket
Also published here 1972 134
Victor Farelli, Rolf Andra Ein verblüffender "Reverso"-Trick three selections end up reversed in the deck
Hokus Pokus (Vol. 33 No. 3)
Jerry K. Hartman Treblesome Three of Hearts between blacks Threes turns face down, changes into the Three of Diamonds, travels from bottom of deck back between black Threes, then sandwich becomes two red Threes with black Three between them
1972 49
Jerry K. Hartman Ace de Triomphe Triumph, ending with Aces face up in deck
Also published here 1972 58
Dai Vernon Vernon's Reverse Packets No. 14, card turns over, starts with half the deck secretly reversed
Related to 1972 8
Dai Vernon Vernon's Reverso Routine (Over elaborated) No. 18, multi-phase card reversal routine, hard/impossible to follow write-up
1972 10
Dai Vernon Vernon's Magic Mix No. 21, cards put alternately face-up/face-down with spectator, all straighten out except selections, half the deck is double backers, cheek to cheek
1972 11
Dai Vernon Vernon's Four Ace Trick Introduction No. 26, reversed Aces not seen in reverse fan, then they appear face up with regular fan
Related to 1972 12
Dai Vernon Vernon's King And Queen Love Story No. 28, King and Queen transpose in the deck, Queen turns face up, cryptic, Vernon showed it to Zingone who published the general idea in Cigam according to note
Related to
  • Surprise Reverse (Louis Zingone, Cigam, Walter Schwartz, 1931)
Also published here
1972 12
Dai Vernon Vernon's Mix Up Weave Shuffle No. 37, using faro shuffles after 76-76-67-67 face-up/face-down shuffling procedure
Related to 1972 14
Dai Vernon Vernon's Reverse Card No. 107, card turns over, starts with half the deck secretly reversed
Related to 1972 31
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Reverses No. 139, "Semi Herman Pass Reverse" (no details, probably some form of half pass), reversed card not seen in reverse fan, then card appear face up with regular fan
Related to 1972 38
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Tom Seller's (21 New Card Tricks) The About Turn Aces No. 199, Aces lost, named Aces turn over one by one, suggestion of a reversal technique
Inspired by
  • "About Turn Aces" (Tom Sellers, 21 New Card Tricks, 1936)
1972 48
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Rosini's Reverse Card No. 293, card appears reversed at chosen number on second count, bottom deal placement
Inspired by 1972 75
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's A Shuffle Reverse Effect No. 299, three cards reverse at once, overhand shuffle reverse with three cards
Related to 1972 77
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Version Of Horowitz's Reverso Effect No. 300, Faced-Deck straightens out again, but with shuffle making it Triumph, also with false shuffle option
Related to 1972 77
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Slow Motion Reverse Trick No. 315, one of five cards chosen, all put reversed in deck, only selection remains reversed and others straighten out
  • Another version
1972 81
Dai Vernon Note within No. 315, selection fairly mixed up with four other cards, performer can identify it, for Mental Reverse
1972 82
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Another Version Of Slow Motion Reverse Trick No. 316, cannot follow
1972 82
Dr. Jacob Daley Daley's Strip Shuffle Routine No. 333, card control demonstration with four Aces, followed by Triumph with Aces or selection
1972 93
Paul Rosini Rosini Reverse No. 365, count-down to named number, count repeated because of skepticism of audience, selection found reversed
Also published here 1972 102
Wernero Purloined Card Trick No. 422, four cards taken from one half, one chosen, all put reversed in other half, they turn over except selection
1972 114
Reversed Deck Straightened Effect No. 447, sounds like Slop Shuffle Triumph
1972 127
Dr. Jacob Daley Ad Lib Spell Variation No. 502, two cards spelled to, second card shows up reversed
Inspired byRelated to 1972 139
Reverso Forced Or Forced Reverso No. 513, card peeked in one deck, another card chosen from a different deck is turned over, the peeked-at card also turns over and matches
1972 144
Three Card Discovery Reverse Card Routine No. 521, three cards chosen and found in different ways, sandwich and turnover of cards
Related to 1972 146
Dr. Jacob Daley On The Spot No. 566, "Automatic Set-up Variation", 1-x-1 set-up, spectator stops and value used to count down to selection which is reversed
1972 158
Dr. Jacob Daley Birthday Trick No. 570, triumph with four cards face-up that consist of the spectator's birth year
1972 159
Dr. Jacob Daley Up And Down Four Ace Run up No. 576, deck shuffled face-up/face-down and poker hand dealt, only performer's cards are face-down and the Aces, other cards face-up
1972 160
Sam Leo Horowitz Horowitz's Mental Reverse Effect No. 600, chosen card ends up reversed after some displaying of cards
1972 167