161,072 entries in
Creators Title Comments & References Year Source Page AA Categories
オーバーハンドシャフル (Overhand Shuffle)
1993 30
トップからボトムへ、ボトムからトップへ (From top to bottom, from bottom to top) Transferring cards by overhand shuffle
1993 31
ボトムカードスリップ (Bottom Card Slip) With overhand shuffle
1993 31
ラン (Run) Running cards with overhand shuffle
1993 31
インジョッグ、アンダーカット (Injog, Undercut) For overhand shuffle
1993 32
オーバーハンドシャフルによるコントロール (Overhand shuffle control)
1993 32
リフルシャフル (Riffle shuffle)
1993 34
トップカード、ボトムカードのグリンプス (Top card / Bottom card glimpse) Glimpse using riffle shuffle
1993 35
トップカード、ボトムカードを動かさない方法 (Method for retaining top/bottom card) With riffle shuffle
1993 36
オーバーハンドシャフルによるコントロール (Overhand shuffle control) Control a card to a certain position in the deck
1993 37
クリンプカードによるコントロール (Crimped card control)
1993 38
フラリッシュエスケープ (Flourish Escape) Card selected and lost in deck, deck placed back in card case, card is pulled out of box (penetration effect)
1993 39
クラシックパス (Classic Pass)
1993 41
リフルパス (Riffle Pass)
1993 43
パスによる客のカードのコントロール (To control a spectator's card with the pass)
1993 44
ブレークの作り方 (Forming a break) For the pass
1993 44
探偵カード (Detective Card) Two cards turned face up and individually cut into the deck. Selection is found sandwiched between the face up cards
1993 47
パーム (Palm) Classic Palm technique
1993 48
トップパーム (Top palm)
1993 49
Edward Marlo トップへのリプレイスメント (Top Replacement) Replacement for card in right hand Classic Palm to top of deck
1993 51
Dai Vernon リプレイスメントコントロール (Replacement Control) Keep card on top of deck after cutting the deck onto the table
1993 51
ギャンブラーズボトムパーム (Gambler's Bottom Palm) Gambler's Cop
1993 52
ポケットの中のカード (The Card in the Pocket) Lazy Man's Card to Pocket
1993 53
Dai Vernon バーノンのダブルリフト (Vernon's Double Lift)
1993 54
Dai Vernon, Larry Jennings バーノンのダブルリフトのバリエーション (Variation on Vernon's Double Lift) Stud turnover
1993 57
Larry Jennings ダブルリフト・ヒットメソッド (Double Lift: Hit Method)
pulling top card to the left
VariationsAlso published here 1993 57
トリプルリフト・マルティプルリフト (Triple Lift / Multiple Lift) Just saying that you can extend the method to more cards
1993 58
ダブルリフトを使った応用例 (Uses of Double Lift)

1. Color Change
2. Transposition
3. Travelling (to top of the deck)
4. Reversal
5. To locate a card
1993 59
Hideo Kato スローイングカードスタブ (Throwing Card Stab) Card stabbed into dribbled deck, stabs right next to selection
1993 61
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings 2人の会話 その2 (A Conversation between 2 people: #2) Larry commenting on a trick Kato showed him, about how similar it is to a Vernon idea
1993 63
グライドによるチェンジ (Glide as a Change)
1993 64
グライドによるフォース (Glide as a Force)
1993 64
グライドによるフォールスカウント (Glide as a False Count)
1993 65
ストップカード (Stop Card) Stop Trick
1993 66
笑ってください (Please laugh) Sucker trick, uses glide to show selection apparently placed on table. Actually not there.
1993 67
シークレットアディション I (Secret Addition 1) Squaring up action
1993 69
Edward Marlo シークレットアディション II (Secret Addition 2) Seems to be just a Braue Addition, not sure why it is credited to Marlo
1993 70
Larry Jennings シークレットアディション III (Secret Addition 3) Scoop addition type of idea
1993 71
プッシュオフによるマルティプルリフト (Push Off Multiple Lift)
1993 72
シークレットアディション IV (Secret Addition 4) With push off multiple lift
1993 73
フォーエース (Four Ace) Simple Ace Assembly effect, spectator chooses which packet for Aces to assemble in
1993 75
トップチェンジ (Top Change)
1993 78
Johann Nepomuk Hofzinser, Larry Jennings ホフジンサーの方法にもとずくトップチェンジ (Top Change based on Hofzinser's method) Card clipped between index / middle fingers
1993 79
メキシカンターンオーバー (Mexican Turnover)
1993 81
Hideo Kato ボトムトップチェンジ (Bottom Top Change) Can be done with multiple cards
1993 82
よんぶんのいちの奇跡 (Quarter Miracle) Card location from a packet of 16 cards, involves down-under deals, eliminate until one card left
1993 84
バックルカウント (Buckle Count)
1993 87
テーブル上へのバックルカウント (Buckle Count above a table)
1993 88
Elmer Biddle ビドルムーブ (Biddle Move)
1993 88
Elmer Biddle ビドルムーブによるフォールスカウントI (Biddle Move as a False Count I)
1993 89
Elmer Biddle ビドルムーブによるフォールスカウントII (Biddle Move as a False Count II)
1993 89
赤と黒のミステーク (Red and Black Mistake) Spectator selects and loses black card, performer removes four red cards for them to choose one from, the red card changes into their black card
1993 91
Edward Marlo フォーエースプロローグ (Four Ace Prologue)
1993 92
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings 2人の会話 その3 (A Conversation between 2 people: #3) Kato and Larry talking about how to approach women with magic
1993 94
ボトムカードリバース (Bottom Card Reverse)
1993 95
Larry Jennings ロテイティングカードリバース (Rotating Card Reverse)
1993 96
Dai Vernon アクションリバース (Action Reverse) Named by Steranko, reversal during table shuffle
Related to 1993 97
あなたの後で (Behind your back)
1993 99
クリンプI (Crimp I) From a spread
1993 101
クリンプII (Crimp II) Top of deck, with index finger
1993 102
クリンプIII (Crimp III) From spread
1993 102
メキシカンジョーのクリンプ (Mexican Joe Crimp)
1993 103
クリンプカードからのカット (Cutting to a crimped card)
1993 103
タテのブリッジ (Length-wise Bridge)
1993 103
ヨコのブリッジ (Sideways Bridge)
1993 104
最後の1枚 (The Last Card) Another down-under location
1993 105
Harry Lorayne ソルトレス (Saltless)
1993 107
Larry Jennings コインカット (Coin Cut)
1993 109
トップカードグリンプスI (Top Card Glimpse I) Bubble peek
1993 112
トップカードグリンプスII (Top Card Glimpse II) from a spread
1993 112
トップカードグリンプスIII (Top Card Glimpse III) From a palm
1993 112
ボトムカードグリンプスI (Bottom Card Glimpse I)
1993 113
ボトムカードグリンプスII (Bottom Card Glimpse II)
1993 113
センターカードグリンプスI (Center Card Glimpse I)
1993 113
センターカードグリンプスII (Center Card Glimpse II)
1993 114
Dai Vernon イモーショナルリアクション (Emotional Reaction)
1993 115
Hideo Kato, Larry Jennings 2人の会話 その4 (A Conversation between 2 people: #4) Talking about magic in Japan
1993 117
クラシックフォース (Classic Force)
1993 118
リフルフォース (Riffle Force)
1993 119
John Scarne 4枚の一致 (Four Cards Together) Spectator selects card face down. Deck placed in pocket, magician pulls out three other cards of same value
Inspired by 1993 121
Edward Marlo, Dai Vernon ティルト (Tilt) also known as Depth Illusion by Vernon
1993 123
Larry Jennings 小さな奇跡 (Small Miracle) Card changes into selection
1993 125
Bruce Cervon パックの中のトランスポ (Transposition in the Deck)
1993 126
ドリブルオフ (Dribble Off) Dribble
1993 127
Larry Jennings シークレットサブトラクション (Secret Subtraction)
1993 127
ダブルカードプットダウン (Double Card Putdown) Placing double on table
1993 128
ブレークをなくさないターンオーバー (Maintaining a break while turning the deck over)
1993 128
Charlier チャーリャーパス(ワンハンドパス) (Charlier Pass / One Hand Pass)
1993 129
S. W. Erdnase カラーチェンジ (Color Change) Erdnase color change
1993 130
Alex Elmsley エルムズレイカウント (Elmsley Count)
1993 132
Charles T. Jordan ジョーダンカウント (Jordan Count)
1993 133
Brother John Hamman ハーマンカウント (Hamman Count)
1993 134
Brother John Hamman フラシュトレーションカウント (Flushtration Count)
1993 135
Larry Jennings オープントラベラー (Open Travelers)
1993 139
Larry Jennings ファイナルタッチ (Final Touch)
1993 143
Larry Jennings おかしな出来事 (A Strange Affair) Twisting type of effect
Also published here 1993 145
Larry Jennings ギャンブラーズエーセス (Gambler's Aces) Triumph with Aces
1993 147
Larry Jennings オブザベーションインカラー (Observation in Color)
1993 150
ダブルバックルカウント (Double Buckle Count)
1993 150
Larry Jennings リーピングジエーセス (Ripping the Aces) Spectator cuts to the Aces
1993 153
Larry Jennings プリフィギャレーション (Prefiguration) Four of a kind found via prediction and coincidence (dealing down)
1993 155
Larry Jennings まぼろしの訪問者 (Illusion Visitor) The Visitor effect
1993 158
Hideo Kato 東京湾の“水と油” (Tokyo Bay Oil and Water)
1993 161
Hideo Kato コメディダンバリーディリュージョン (Comedy Dunbury Delusion)
1993 164
Hiroshi Sawa ファクシミリ (Facsimile) Card placed in deck, pulled out from elbow
1993 166
Edward Marlo コンビんシングカードコントロール (Convincing Card Control) Interesting variation, card is placed into back palm
1993 167
Tomo Maeda タイクーンエーセス (Tycoon Aces) Ace Assembly, Aces change to Kings for kicker ending
Variations 1993 169
Tooru Suzuki 心の中で・・・ (In your heart...) Challenge location of two selected cards
1993 172
Yuic-hi Katakura ダブルダウン (Double Down) Four random cards change into four Kings, and then immediately into four Aces
1993 175
Tomoyuki Shimomura ハーレムダンジョン (Harlem Dungeon) Four Queens in card case sandwich selection, Queens change to Jacks
1993 179
Hiroshi Kondo インターナショナルカードトリック (International Card Trick) Ace Assembly effect with finale of whole deck grouping by four of a kind
1993 183
Tomoyuki Shimomura 編著者あとがき (Epilogue)
1993 191
Al Mann Life After Death? on the medium Dr. Louis Schlesinger, Schlesinger Test
1993 1
A Ghostly Problem on billets
1993 2
David P. Abbott, Al Mann, Dr. Louis Schlesinger Schlesinger's Seance annotated reprint from Abbott's "Behind the Scenes with the Mediums", first divination of which billet contains the dead name, then the name is revealed, method for knowing the relation of the names to the spectator
1993 5
Al Mann Empty Graves first divination of which billet contains the dead name, then the name is revealed, among several blank billets
1993 11
Al Baker The Umbrella Move
1993 12
N. F. Ravlin N. F. Ravlin's Account of his Conversion to Spiritualism Through the Mediumship of Dr. Schlesinger reprint from unknown source
1993 14
David Neighbors Bent Outta Shape several keys are bent, with spectator
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Daryl Martinez And Then There Was One bill vanishes among others, puzzle-story presentation
Also published here Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Francis Carlyle False Count with Bills without credit
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Troy Hooser, Mark Tams Weight Your Turn performer cuts same amount as performer twice and eventually finds selection, faro
Inspired byRelated toVariations Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Breather Crimp
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Dan Garrett, Troy Hooser Swivel Monte False Cut Variation
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Troy Hooser Pendulum False Cut
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Norman Beck Hatzoo routine for children, named animal is apparently produced from a hat, sponge turtle changes into a sponge bunny
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Evert Chapman Think of a Coin? Slot Okito Box routine, five phases, silver and copper coin travel to box, change places and vanish and reappear
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Spellbound Change purse palm
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Spellbound Change left hand can be shown empty afterwards
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Friction Pass
Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Marvin Leventhal From the Labyrinth story of Mac King cutting his finger while doing a rope trick
Related to Mar. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 1)
Anthony Lindan Rainbow Writing named color is written on business card, then writing has same color by extracting one of the primary colors of the black ink and transfer it to another business card
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Daryl Emergency Change with business cards
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Giovanni Livera Karate Kracker Karate Coin done with a cracker
Also published here June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Dan Garrett The Brainwave Connection routine and presentation for Brainwave Deck
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Jean-Pierre Vallarino French Liberation finger ring off string on padlock
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Dan Harlan Sludge and Ice Oil and Water five ten blank cards, five have a red cross and five a black cross on it, several phases
June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Marvin Leventhal From the Labyrinth story of Mac King cutting his finger while doing a rope trick, second part
Related to June 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 2)
Troy Hooser Touch of Brass three half Dollars change into three Chinese coins one by one
Related toVariations Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Drawl winning cards in selected hand, spectator can cut to position for dealing last round of cards
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Max Holden Criss-Cross Force
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
John Swomley Cut Me Two Times bit of business for cutting a piece of rope with the fingers
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Dan Harlan Destination Unknown five foreign coins are placed under five cards, spectator can chose on which is covered with a toy plane, country of selected coin is predicted
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Michael Powers Pun pen up the nose
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Marvin Leventhal From the Labyrinth
Sep. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 3)
Philip T. Goldstein Rules of the Game different colored back prediction matches selection, with a full deck of jokers as climax
Variations Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Wild Card Turnover Switch double facer
Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Joe Rindfleisch Dust to Dust coin vanishes and appears again
Inspired byRelated to Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Dan Harlan Natural Selection one of five cards is selected, multiple revelation prediction
Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Chris "Doc" Dixon Spitting Image as Chris Buylla, part of pretzel is broken off, performer eats rest, later pretzel is found in banded card case
Also published here Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
David Hudspath Thanks for the Tip signed bill in purse, other bill transform into signed bill and latter is found in a second purse
Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Dan Harlan From the Labyrinth a watch steal joke, useless illustrations
Dec. 1993
The Minotaur (Vol. 5 No. 4)
Bob King Introduction
1993 1
Bob King Second Guessing Your Weight performer cuts off same amount as spectator, then to selection
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1993 2
Bob King Faro Strip-Out FSO, basically normal slough-off faro
1993 2
Bob King One Too Many performer tries to cut off as many cards as spectator but it's one too many - the selection
1993 3
James Steranko Flourish Count
Related to 1993 4
Bob King 10 Hand Poker Stack with free cut principle
VariationsAlso published here 1993 5
Bob King Psychic Location (II) spectator thinks of any number card in cut-off pile and removes as many cards, faro
Inspired byRelated to 1993 7
Dai Vernon Faro Slough-Off with cascade
1993 8
Bob King, Bob Hummer Hum-Dinger three cards and a Queen removed, spectator thinks of one of the three cards which are returned to deck, Queen whispers performer the selection
1993 10
Bob King Count-Down card thought-of according to thought-of hour, clock dial layout, selection travels in card case
Related to 1993 11
Bob King Over-Kill? spectator cuts off pile and remembers card at this position, selection transposes with card in another deck
Related to 1993 13
Bob King Supreme Control Aces shuffled into deck, back on top, top stock control with a crimp
Also published here 1993 14
Bob King Breathing Life into the 26 Card Key three piles, faroing crimp next to selection
Related to 1993 16
Bob King Zen Poker Plus Zens stack
Inspired by 1993 17
Bob King A Stack of Stacks four riffle shuffle stacking systems, assisted by a Breather Crimp
Inspired by 1993 19
Bob King Seeing is Believing performer blindfolded for full routine
Phase I: a card pocketed and another selected
Phase II: selection found at named small number
Phase III: two more cards divined, using 52-on-One and 3-1/2 gag cards
Phase IV: four Aces dealt in poker round
Phase V: pocketed card named
1993 22
Bob King Stack Addition with Jumbo Card cards clipped to back of a Jumbo gag card
1993 26
Overhand Stacking
1993 27
Bob King Putting in the Work also in front of an audience apparently removing a bent
Also published here 1993 28
Steve Beam Introduction
1993 1
Steve Beam On Performing Magic
1993 3
Steve Beam Gentleman's Bet bet, red / black or pairs, performer wins always, gilbreath
Variations 1993 7
John Riggs Unbeatable red / black or pairs, performer wins bet all the time, is able to let spectator win on his demand, gilbreath
1993 9
Steve Beam Color Vision performer always guesses color of cards correctly
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 11
Steve Beam Scaling the Cards three packets are cut on the table, performer weighs two and announces amount of cards, then he reveals amount of black or red cards in those packets
Inspired by
  • Mike Roger's "Trost and Us" in "Genii" October, 1971.
1993 13
Steve Beam Bottoming Out all values are spelled, selection is found at last letter of last value, sucker element
Related toVariations 1993 17
Wayne Kyzer Raw Deal card is found by spelling different characteristics of the selection
Inspired by 1993 19
Allan Slaight I Cannot Spell A Lie
Also published here 1993 20
Tom Craven Super Speller not with full deck
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
1993 22
Tom Craven The Custom Card Trick card is found and spelled to at impossible conditions, possible over phone
Inspired by 1993 24
Steve Beam The World's Greatest Magician humorous revelation of a selected card
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 26
Steve Beam Quadruple Prediction four predictions, four aces are put in the deck at several places, prediction name amount of cards above aces, see p. 171 for additional credits
Inspired byRelated toVariationsAlso published here 1993 31
Steve Beam The Ladder Prediction prediction of a card, reversed Svengali
1993 35
Scott Robinson The Portable Ladder cards spread on table, named number is counted to and card turned over, value of card helps find selection, force or prediction
1993 39
John Riggs The Falling Prediction stopped card in one deck, prediction is odd-backed card in second deck, roughed Svengali
1993 41
Steve Beam The Falling Prediction II cards are dealt on table face up with one hand, force
1993 44
Marty Martini The Postcard prediction card in envelope turns out to be selection
Also published here 1993 45
Steve Beam The Opened Prediction bold and easy open prediction, name written on joker, no-touch force
Related to 1993 47
Steve Beam The Unopened Prediction prediction card from other deck, two versions, in second version stopped card is odd-backed
1993 50
Steve Beam The Closed Prediction card has different colored back
Inspired by 1993 52
Steve Beam The Public Prediction odd backed card is placed in deck, spectator stops at it
1993 53
John Riggs The Solution
1993 54
Stewart James LII-Kelihood spectator and performer think of the same card, coincidence effect turns out to be a prediction
1993 56
Steve Beam By Coincidence chapter intro
1993 61
Steve Beam Mating Season I spectator calls three numbers between one and twenty-six, cards dealt in pairs, and cards at chosen numbers match in value and suit, face up method
Related toAlso published here 1993 62
Steve Beam Mating Season II deck cut in halves, joker placed in any half, from that point on all cards are mates
Related to 1993 64
Steve Beam Full Deck Falsie triple false cut
1993 66
Steve Beam Partial Falsie on the table
1993 66
Steve Beam Mating Season III as Mating Season II, impromptu, cards torn in half
Also published here 1993 67
Steve Beam Mating Season IV two halves, cards on named number match, then all match
Also published here 1993 69
Steve Beam Cutting Match two decks, both are cut between the same cards
Also published here 1993 71
Wayne Kyzer Forte four of a kind is found, dealing four piles and stop, performer and spectator deal
1993 73
Wayne Kyzer Open and Shut cards cut and dealt by performer and spectator number and cards are predicted
1993 75
Steve Beam Mathematical Card Trick calculator is used to find position of selection, humorous presentation
Related toAlso published here 1993 79
Richard Bartram, Jr. Boxer Shorts cards removed from box, immediately case vanishes
Also published here 1993 83
Steve Beam Odd Man Out one of five cards is chosen and put back in deck, other cards used to count down to locate it, contingency trick
Variations 1993 85
Mike Beam The Traveler Do as I Do with one deck, spectator finds wrong card, correct card is found reversed in his half
Variations 1993 88
Card Turnover while removing an outjogged card
1993 88
Steve Beam Marked Phenomena two versions
Inspired byRelated toVariations 1993 90
Tom Craven The Cascade self-working handling of "Drop-Count" Revelation
Inspired by 1993 92
Simon Lovell The Packed Wallet card to wallet, second phase 51 cards to wallet
Also published here 1993 94
Steve Beam Lube Job cards cannot be removed from case, oil can is needed, gag
Also published here 1993 97
Steve Beam Charged Cards several phases, apparently cards are charged with electric energy
  • 1. single card rises from deck
  • 2. half of a card stands on table on the long end
  • 3. half of a card stands on table on the short end
  • 4. four quarters of a card cling to the fingers
  • 5. card spread is picked up (Jerry Andrus)
Related to 1993 101
Scott Robinson The Toy two folded cards penetrate
Also published here 1993 109
Scott Robinson Severance Pay folded card through bill, ungimmicked version
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 113
John Riggs The Optical Location cards shuffled face up into face down, two cards selected and performer finds them
Also published here 1993 119
Steve Beam Lucky 13 spectator cuts to two indicator cards, which total the position of the selection
Related to 1993 121
Steve Beam Double Dealer two cards at numbers, with incomplete riffle shuffle condition, Fulves Riffle Shuffle Control
Also published here 1993 123
Steve Beam The Lost Key
Inspired by
  • Charles Jordan's "The Infallible Detection" in "Collected Tricks" and Charles Jordan's Best Card Tricks"
1993 125
Steve Beam A Fine Mess one card is slid out and number used to land at a card, performer finds selection
1993 127
Gary Plants Locator Service
1993 130
Gary Plants Locator Service II
1993 131
Doug Canning UNCANNY deck in pocket and one card after the other is removed, spectator mentally spells his card and last letter matches selection
1993 132
Steve Beam Impaired named card between two face up jokers
Also published here 1993 136
Steve Beam Jinxed with five piles, with indicator card
VariationsAlso published here 1993 138
Steve Beam Killocation one of fifteen, contingency effect
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993 142
Bill Simon, Steve Beam Backwards Prophecy
Also published here 1993 149
Steve Pressley A Cut Below single card control, to the bottom
VariationsAlso published here 1993 151
Steve Beam A Cut Above single card control, to the top
1993 153
Wayne Kyzer Bottomout card is stopped at, hands separated and selection dropped on table
1993 154
Steve Beam Glossary
1993 155
Steve Beam Leftovers
1993 157
Steve Beam Crediting Magic humorous article
Also published here 1993 159
Steve Beam Becoming a Professional Restaurant Magician humorous article
Also published here 1993 161
Steve Beam How to Develop Your Memory Glands humorous article
Also published here 1993 163
Steve Beam Advertisement deck warmer
Also published here 1993 165
Steve Beam Thanksgiven
1993 167
Muneo Yokoi Preface
1993 1
Muneo Yokoi Mind Reading Magician divines three chosen cards hidden from view in picture frame and bag
1993 2
Muneo Yokoi Five or Six Six Card Repeat, ending with 6 cards arranged in the shape of a sock (Not six, but socks)
1993 5
Muneo Yokoi Prophecy Socks Prediction of spectator's card printed on sock
1993 8
Muneo Yokoi Wild Wild Wild Wild Four blank cards change to four Fives
1993 10
Muneo Yokoi Pointer Deck Arrow suddenly appears printed on the selected card's face, pointing to the index
1993 13
Muneo Yokoi Cut Cut Aces Tabled Ace Production, magician cuts deck into four piles in a row and cuts to four Aces
1993 14
Muneo Yokoi Stand Up Spread Table spread made to stand up vertically on its edge, self-standing, then two selections produced from it
1993 16
Muneo Yokoi Flying Small Card Card selected and lost in mini deck of cards. A lighter is lit, a huge flame is produced, lighter transforms into the mini selected card
1993 18
Muneo Yokoi Some Time Coin through cellophane of card case
1993 20
Muneo Yokoi Paper Purse Purse printed on piece of paper, can open the purse and produce coins and bank notes from it
1993 22
Muneo Yokoi Jolly Spooks Handling for Haunted Handkerchief
1993 24
Muneo Yokoi Split Prediction signed on the back by magician, sealed in envelope. Freely selected card signed and placed in another envelope, signed on the back by spectator. Envelope opened to show the faces match, but that they are also halves of the same card.
1993 26
Muneo Yokoi Long Paddle Paddle trick with long wooden stick, spot on stick jumps around
1993 28
Muneo Yokoi 松浦天海のカードマジック (The Card Magic of Matsuura Tenkai)
1993 34
Tenkai Matsuura そろいました (Almost) Words appear on side of deck, matching selected card's name
1993 35
Tadaki Sakakibara SA カット#1 (SA Cut #1) False Cut
1993 40
Tadaki Sakakibara SA カット#2 (SA Cut #2) False Cut
1993 41
William A. Wells Foreword
1993 iii
Scotty York Introduction
1993 vii
Scotty York The Performing Bartender (or GTFM) on performing in a bar
1993 1
Scotty York The Skill Compatibility Test two jumbo decks are used, one card is selected from a red deck and placed in an envelope, other deck is sawed in two with a toy saw and two halves are selected, card in envelope is a split-faced card matching both halves
Also published here 1993 9
Scotty York Froggy Goes A'Courtin card reveals itself underneath handkerchief, glorpy, with card frog that changes into caricature card of performer
Related toAlso published here 1993 18
How to Fold the Frog folding a frog from a playing card
1993 25
Scotty York The Signed Card in the Watch (With Watch Works Transposition) in pocket watch, watch works in zipper purse, including history of signed coin into pocket watch
Also published here 1993 31
Scotty York The Marked Coin to Pocket Watch signed coin in a bag transforms into works of pocket watch, coin is found in watch
1993 39
Scotty York The Marked Coin in the Sugar Packet signed on stickers
Also published here 1993 47
Scotty York My Lady's Teddy Bear with three olives and a coffee cup, lemon and teddy bear as final loads
Also published here 1993 51
Scotty York "Poor Charlie" Smith gaffed, rainbow backs, with pistol cigarette lighter
Inspired by 1993 56
Scotty York The Rising Cards three cards rise, under glass dome
Variations 1993 65
Scotty York The Borrowed Bill in the Borrowed Cigarette clever preparation, missing corner
1993 72
Scotty York Scotty's Cigarette Switch Using a Fountain Pen
1993 85
Scotty York The Scotty York Light Bulb - History and Development of the Bulb
1993 91
Scotty York Construction Details for the Original Scotty York Light Bulb
1993 96
Scotty York Assembly, Testing, and Adjustment of the Scotty York Light Bulb
1993 103
Scotty York The Scotty York Handling & Presentation of the Light Bulb bulb in handkerchief, different packets on table, location of selection with bulb
Related to 1993 109
Fred Kaps The Fred Kaps' Handling of the Scotty York Lamp
1993 116
Scotty York, Fred Kaps Shuffling Off Lucille with ideas by Fred Kaps
Inspired by 1993 119
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Super Psychic ping-pong ball on table
Inspired by Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Dr. Lawrence Weinstein Card Sensor spectator divines unknown card using a pendulum
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Marv Long The Astro-Link deck with Zodiac symbols, spectator cuts to his/her sign
Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Meeting of the Minds, Ralph & Robin Monserrat, Jack Dean
Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
David Alexander Some Thoughts on Magic and Show Business - Part I
  • The Entertainers
  • Delivering Entertainment
  • It's Personality
  • Stillwell Hank Ball
  • The "Magic" Man
  • The Card "Expert"
Related to Jan. 1993
Magick (Issue 483)
Dan Tong, C. James Rainho Book Smart Pegasus page, one book, gaffed, see p. 2432 for credits
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 484)
Rudy T. Hunter Point of Light stack of business cards
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 484)
Ted Karmilovich Hidden Memories named date on back of photograph inside wallet
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 484)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 484)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Card Trix secretly reading information on index cards, long-short-cards
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Robert Siepielski Color Coded different colored pens, color coding for Q&A
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Lee Freed Digit Master business cards placed inside envelope, information on one is glimpsed
Variations Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Max Maven
Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
David Alexander A Professional Looks at the Profession
  • Magician's Magician
  • A Lack of Originality?
  • The O-Carp Crowd
  • Lighten Up
  • ... And Get Real
Related to Feb. 1993
Magick (Issue 485)
Ted Karmilovich Burned! three numbered envelopes, two are burnt in remaining one is check of performer
Variations Mar. 1993
Magick (Issue 486)
Jack Yeager Tri-Ouija three miniature cards with different colored ouija boards, chosen one is predicted
Mar. 1993
Magick (Issue 486)
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Prechoice packet of cards with Yes and No, prediction of answers of spectator
Mar. 1993
Magick (Issue 486)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Jim Rainho, Dan Tong, Tony Raven
Mar. 1993
Magick (Issue 486)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Picture Perfect divination of two selected cards from picture stack, ABC stack
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Scott Davis, Ted Karmilovich Closed Doors three numbered envelopes and two are discarded, instead of money, picture of baby inside envelope
Inspired by Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Ed Loveland Envelope Fan-Fair divination of written down information in envelopes
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Docc Hilford, David Walker, Michael Schwartz
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
David Alexander Putting It All Together
  • The 'Art' of Magic
  • No Slight Intended
  • Be Yourself
  • Love Your Audience
  • It Comes from Within
  • Love What You Do
  • Self-Confidence
  • Timing and Freshness
Related to Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 487)
James E. Sansotera Touch Stones row of gem stones, number is moved to other end, divination of color and reading
Inspired by
  • a routine by Daemon in "New Invocation".
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 488)
Alan Kerslake Kerslake Kop information on business card is glimpsed
Inspired by Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 488)
Jack Yeager Good and the Bad Tarot cards placed in a circle, numbered envelopes placed on top, spectator selects one by moving a ring on top, ends up on only positive card and prediction in envelope matches card
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 488)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Lee Earle, Joseph Bear
Apr. 1993
Magick (Issue 488)
Philip T. Goldstein Cointact marked coin in envelope found among other envelopes with coins inside
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
Phillip Wein Digit Master business card with long number, memory stunt, prediction of total of some numbers as climax
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
Terry Nosek Finishing Thought Pseudo psychometry routine with prediction of final object
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Bob Brown's get-toegether
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
C. James Rainho Put 'You' Into Your Performance
  • Cut to the Chase
  • A Lesson Learned Early
  • Autry's Secret
  • It's You, Not Your Props
  • Start with Your Attitude
  • Presentation is Important
  • The Persona is Important
  • The Persona That is You
  • Putting You in the Act
May 1993
Magick (Issue 489)
Ted Karmilovich Mind Maze instructions inside envelopes, one selected is duplicated by performer, muscle reading presentation
Related to June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Richard Osterlind Mirrored Darkly design duplication using pendulum and business card case
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Jack Yeager Tempus Fugit prediction of number and Tarot card, using imaginary dice to select number
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Docc Hilford's "Weerd! Weekend"
June 1993
Magick (Issue 490)
Ted Lesley The Psy-aid Tarot card divination and haunted deck with plate lifter method
Related to June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Tony Madden Color Control prediction of chosen matchbox, different colors
June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Gene Nielsen Mental Notes divination of amount of post-its on board, blindfolded
June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Hillary Flora, Richard Webster
June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Jim Magus Learn Technique from the Storytellers on presentation
  • Vary Your Volume
  • Control Your Rhythm
  • Body Language
  • Eye Focus
  • Putting it Together
  • Script Those Thoughts
  • Opening Remarks
  • You Must Believe
June 1993
Magick (Issue 491)
Robert G. Tripp Sign in, Please! initials on folded cards are divined, bluff
July 1993
Magick (Issue 492)
Gene "Phantini" Grant Mental Discernment
July 1993
Magick (Issue 492)
Dr. Dan J. Alessini Mental Powers routine for the game Jacks, bending one, ball stops bouncing
July 1993
Magick (Issue 492)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Ron Martin, Richard Webster
July 1993
Magick (Issue 492)
Charles "Cicardi" Scott Card Sense playing cards written on index cards, allocating them correctly, graphology presentation
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Jack Yeager Witch's Stone on of four different colored stones is selected, prediction
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Docc Hilford Clairepathy one-phase matching routine, with ESP deck
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Hilford's "Weerd Weekend", Brian & Jn Flora, Todd Robbins, Jim Magus
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Mark Edward Bare-hand Bookings on apparently not using props
  • Staying Clean
  • Traveling Light
  • Invisible Props and Visible Imagery
  • Keep It simple
  • One-Pocket Portable Prophesies
  • Character is Everything
  • Avoid Humor Initially
  • Know Your Background Information
Aug. 1993
Magick (Issue 493)
Ted Karmilovich From Me to You prepared order of objects combined with easy code, objects divined by medium
Sep. 1993
Magick (Issue 494)
Steve "Banachek" Shaw Stigmata chosen card or symbol appears on arm, in "blood writing"
Sep. 1993
Magick (Issue 494)
Hal Barlow Choice and Chance prediction of two cards, one selected above and one below table
Sep. 1993
Magick (Issue 494)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on T.A. Waters, passing of Swan Walker Pitchford-Cardini
Sep. 1993
Magick (Issue 494)
Richard Webster Memorable Prohesies Nostradamus presentation, prediction, PATEO
Oct. 1993
Magick (Issue 495)
Alan Kerslake Question using a tilt-top box
Oct. 1993
Magick (Issue 495)
Steve "Banachek" Shaw 'A Special Few' using month and adding number, automatic prediction
Oct. 1993
Magick (Issue 495)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Jim Magus
Oct. 1993
Magick (Issue 495)
Herb Dewey Cold Reading Ideas and Concepts
  • How to Get Started
  • Give Clients Something They Can Challenge
  • Two Types of Clients
  • What About Gays?
  • Big vs Small Hints
  • Look at Grooming
  • Don't Ask Many Questions?
Oct. 1993
Magick (Issue 495)
C. James Rainho Ouch! nail under one of twelve cups, all but one cups are smashed
Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Jack Yeager Love Match cards with colors and gem stones, pair selects each and colors match, PATEO
Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Gary Lee Williams The Escapist escaping from thumb cuffs, apparently with the power of the mind, with pulse stopping
Also published here Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Bascom Jones The Mystic Word on Dan Alessini, Robin DeWitt, Bob Dorian, LA earthquake, Peter Pit
Nov. 1993
Magick (Issue 496)
Meir Yedid Elongated Thumb stretching thumb with teeth
Also published here 1993 3
Meir Yedid Tip Top Aces Aces lost in four piles, they come back to top
Also published here 1993 4
Dai Vernon Strip-Out Addition
1993 4
Meir Yedid Slingshot Snapout bottom card shoots out
Also published here 1993 6
Meir Yedid Invisible Poker Hand invisible poker hand is dealt, which suddenly appears, with Slingshot Snap Out
Related toAlso published here 1993 7
Meir Yedid Runaway Business Card business card shoots out of deck at beginning
Also published here 1993 8
Meir Yedid Almost Perfect Vanish screened lapping, concept credited to Imam
Also published here 1993 9
Meir Yedid Zig-Zag Thumb finger magic, thumb is moved
Also published here 1993 11
Meir Yedid Point the Way arrow appears printed on backs of cards and points to selection
Also published here 1993 14
Meir Yedid Biting Sensations biting through deck to find selection, all but one have a piece missing
Also published here 1993 15
Meir Yedid Quick Bio -Meir Yedid
1993 20
Alexander de Cova Vorwort
1993 3
Alexander de Cova Ordered Surprise shuffled deck ends up in order, at the position of selection is the Joker reversed and signed selection is found folded and secured with cloth pin, brief explanation
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 4
Alexander de Cova Synchronus brief, two spectators choose cards in their hands and find the card of the other spectator, out of hands
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 5
Ed Balducci Cut Deeper Force
1993 5
Criss Cross Force
1993 5
Alexander de Cova Magnet-Gimmick magnet in trouser above knee
Related toAlso published here 1993 5
Alexander de Cova, Philip T. Goldstein, Patrick Page Symbolismus picture cards with different symbols, special stack
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 6
Alexander de Cova, Dick Zimmerman Perfect Silk Vanish from milk bottle
Inspired byAlso published here 1993 8
Alexander de Cova Endless Loop Gag rope in hat, ends cannot be found
Also published here 1993 9
Alexander de Cova Russian Delivery bill to nest of Matryoshka dolls
Also published here 1993 10
Alexander de Cova David Hoy Deck
Also published here 1993 11
Alexander de Cova Premonition Plus brief
Also published here 1993 12
Alexander de Cova Deck Switch Case box that contains two decks
1993 13
Alexander de Cova Das gibt es nicht! ring penetrates on rope when middle of rope is lowered down into hat where ring is in glass, repeat
Also published here 1993 14
Alexander de Cova Design Duplikation
Also published here 1993 14
Alexander de Cova Magician's Fooler packet is cut from deck and the rest put in card case, one card of the packet is placed reversed in the center of the rest, all cards are divined, peek case
Also published here 1993 15
John Scarne Play Ball production of two baseballs, body loads, 1956
Related to
  • "The Odds Against Me" (John Scarne, Chapter 11)
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Dice story about John Scarne doing controlled dice shots
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Mel Stover Now Hear This verbal puzzles
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Mel Stover A Casbah Cavort spelling location with small packet and story presentation
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Don Nielsen Kronos force of number five, six or seven with wrist watch procedure, newspaper test application, see note on p. 7
Related to
  • "Step Back in Time" (Stephen Tucker, Compendium, 1984)
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Likely Suspect packet, selection stands always out, three phases, only face-up card, then only black card, then odd-backed
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
J. W. Sarles Roll Down "An Impromptue 3-Part Card Routine"
  • spectator reverses a card behind his back, performer names it
  • in repeat spectator reverses the card right next to first selection
  • spectator shuffles cards face-up/face-down behind his back, Triumph
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
J. W. Sarles Reverse Coincidence first performer then spectator both reverse a card behind the back, at the end no card is reversed
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Svengali Notes
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Svengali Transpo
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Sven's Back
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Svengali Trap though-card sandwich
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Sventranspo II thought-of card transposes with another card
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Sam Schwartz On Being Natural comment
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Martin Gardner Blow Up marshmallow grows to twice the size in vacuum and then instantly collapses again
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Interim Report on John Scarne, Pallbearers Review reprint, Larry Gray & Dai Vernon & Cardini backpalm anecdote
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
John Scarne Card from Nowhere bottom card of deck changes into selection, addition from bowed-out right-hand palm (see also p. 92)
Rigmarole (Issue 1)
Martin Gardner Table Tricks intro
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Martin Gardner Vanishing Salt Shaker sitting down
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Martin Gardner Force Field animating things on table, apparently no finger moves
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Cheap Trick "Two Tricks with Dice" No. 1
red and black packet, two cards chosen with dice throws and packets combined, the chosen cards transpose
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Data Dice "Two Tricks with Dice" No. 2
seven-card packet, card chosen with dice and found
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Dr. Gordon C. Peck Over There "Ron Peck"? card put in one half, other half placed on table, it jumps to tabled half
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Draw Test sixteen-card poker, four players get four cards each
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Mental Lock envelope and billet system for reading, center tear by openly cutting off corners of envelopes
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
John Scarne, Karl Fulves Spell Purple spelling red, black, suits with packet, ending with "purple" written on a card, see also p. 47
VariationsAlso published here 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
John Scarne Aces on Impact spectator shuffles top half and names small number counted down and spectator takes the card at that number, repeated three more times, they are the Aces
Variations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Zig Zag Bill using a card box for bills
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Sam Schwartz Thought Process one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Sam Schwartz Innermost Thought same trick, using thirteen specific cards to optimize multiple outs, also as phone effect
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Interim Report on Slydini, John Scarne, Dai Vernon, Joseph Dunninger, Stewart James
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Stewart James in Print: The First Fifty Years by Stewart James 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Joseph Dunninger Dunninger Predicts three items predicted in three envelopes, two forced and one bluff (stock market value), for radio
Rigmarole (Issue 2)
Joseph K. Schmidt Cops sandwiched card in deck turns out to be later selection, see also p. 47
Inspired by
  • "The Prechosen Chosen Card" (Braue, Gen, Vol. 17 No. 10)
Related toVariations
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Joseph K. Schmidt Long Arm Stuff presentation for long arm gag
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Birthday Value - Birthday Suit spectator spells birth month from one packet and birth day from another, suit and value are used to arrive at a card which is predicted
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
John Scarne Factory Seconds apparently several Sevens of Hearts are in the deck, they are all put aside and change into Aces
Variations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Martin Gardner Hydrick's Bill Trick "four psychic tricks" No. 1
bill spins on needle under inverted glass tank, also spinning pencil on table
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Remote Control "four psychic tricks" No. 2
remote control for television locked in transparent box, channel still changes
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Joseph K. Schmidt Star Burst "four psychic tricks" No. 3
broken toothpicks rearrange themselves into star configuration under paper cover, water makes them unbend, quirting lighter
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Water Fall "four psychic tricks" No. 4
water glass on slate, water spills over when no one is looking, secret squirting lighter
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Squirting Lighter using it empty to blow air to animate things
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Mel Bennett Interspace Insert nine-card packet, spectator turns a pair over anywhere, performer places card between them behind back and names this card, with additional solution by Karl Fulves
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Jerry Fulton Red Herring sucker problem of having spectator separate a small packet into reds and blacks
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves World Power different handling of the final switch in four-packet deal
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Ron Rennick Shades sun glasses put on table as prediction, card chosen by counting black cards in one pile and counting down in another pile, it is the King of Spades with stuck-on sun glasses
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Charles T. Jordan, Ron Rennick Count Down Force counting black cards in one pile and counting down in another pile
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Interim Report on Ben Braude and the authorship of "John Scarne on Card Tricks", Dai Vernon's beginnings
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Cross Roads cross made from two rows of different coins, marker moved on coins, final position predicted
Inspired by 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Paradox introduction to following tricks
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Trans-No-Transpo of two cards only one transposes, paradox, half-transposition
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
John Scarne Pocket to Pocket Ace of Spades placed in right jacket pocket and then instantly removed from left back trouser pocket
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Palming Card Out Again palmed out again
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
John Scarne Palm Transfer with Deck card in right hand classic palm replaced injogged and then retained Lowe-style in left hand cop as deck is transferred
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
John Scarne Paradox Pairs presentation for transposition, one card in left and one in right pocket
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Roy Walton The Fixer eighteen-card packet mixed face-up/face-down, bottom card noted, spelling procedure, card found
Inspired by
  • "Remote Control" (Jim Steinmeyer, The New Invocation #43, Feb. 1988)
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Wings gag with a dollar bill that is used like a phone
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
John Brown John Brown writes on Dai Vernon Stuart Judah sessions with Dai Vernon, from a 1977 letter
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Ken Allen Mugged pencil with string loop and mug
Related toAlso published here 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Mitsunobu Matsuyama Fortune cards with "He Loves Me", "He Loves Me Not", petal principle
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
J. W. Sarles Facsimile four Queens change into duplicates of selection, gaff not explained
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Martin Gardner Coiled ring & spring
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
J. W. Sarles Cutback Ace of Spades shuffled in deck, spectator cuts anywhere and names small number, Ace found there, beating the cut presentation
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Parity Prophet cards dealt in pairs, one turned over, again dealt in pairs, cards on both side of reversed card are mates or predicted, Gemini Twins relation
Related toVariations 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves By Any Stretch small and large rubber band around fingers, spectator holds fingers, the bands transpose, spectator has to close eyes, duplicate on wrist
Inspired by
  • Ken Kuroki trick
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Interim Report corrections, Tony Bartolotta, L. Vosburgh Lyons
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Tony Bartolotta Named Gemini two cards freely chosen, mates found with Gemini Twins procedure
Inspired byRelated to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 4)
Mel Bennett Blackjack four named years are added, total used to deal four piles, when turned over the bottom cards are two blackjacks
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Frank Thompson Box Bounce "an Oktio Box Secret"
coins penetrate box, featuring move in which coins bounce back into hand when stack of coins is dropped into box
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Joseph K. Schmidt Simulated Vision die behind paper screen as prediction, secretly pivoted as required
Inspired by
  • "Divination with a Die" (George Blake, Magigram, March 1977)
Related to
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
U. F. Grant A Twist on Colorvision spinning the box and hiding the opening
Also published here
  • "Colorvision Methods" (Grant)
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Shocked hidden joy buzzer under metal cup, as burglar alarm when spectator takes out a coin
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Interim Report on John Scarne, Slydini, Frank Thompson (credit claim for Cigar Bottom Deal)
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
John Scarne Traveling Flame flame taken off lighter and tossed back, credit information, lighter covered with silk and use of Storm King lighters
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Tony Slydini Water Leak paper on pencil used to catch drops of water from apparent leak in ceiling
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Play Dough "Impromptu Money Magic"
variation on the upside-down bill fold with two bills
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Guess Again eight cards are placed outjogged into tabled spread, cards dealt in pairs, color matches with outjogged cards
Related toVariationsAlso published here 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
John Braun John Braun - Dai Vernon part 2 of letter
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Glide Change
Related to 1993
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
John Scarne Trapped Under Glass card inside inverted glass transposes with card outside, visible
Rigmarole (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Verbatim companion publication to Rigmarole
Verbatim (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Pallbearers Revue by Jerry Sadowitz
comments on BBC show, reproductions of numerous print reviews from newspapers
Verbatim (Issue 1)
Notes & Quotes
Verbatim (Issue 1)
Karl Fulves Dream Machines on using a personal computer, macintosh
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Notes on Contemplation see following tricks
Inspired by
  • "Contemplation" (Interim Report)
Related to
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Me Thinks one of thirteen cards thought of, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves You-Me Poker two poker hands, one card moved to spectator's hand, spectator thinks of one of his cards, dealing procedure according to thought-of card (color, value, suit), selection narrowed down by having one key card
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Group of Seven "Contemplation" plot streamlined with seven cards
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Cult Poker two poker hands, one card moved to spectator's hand, spectator choses a hole card, it is the same card, posed as problem
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 2)
Karl Fulves Zig Zag Bill on the flap card case and the history of the Zig Zag illusion
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Birthday Value, Birthday Suit two decks, reversed card in one deck, birthday count procedure with other deck to arrive at a "birthday card", it matches prediction
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Joseph Schmidt's Cops metamorphosis presentation for "Cops", one card sandwiched and one in jacket pocket
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Twas Brillig on a Joe Stevens dealer's item "Time Freeze" that makes the sand flow in an hourglass stop
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Flickers credit comment on Card-Toon
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Wraparound credit comment on the tapestry procedure, Tom Daugherty's "Folderol"
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Notes & Quotes
Verbatim (Issue 3)
Karl Fulves Verbatim on magazines and the publisher's taste,
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Q & A joke questions
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindromes?
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Silhouettes by Vernon - 1930 with reproduction of four silhouettes
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Mugged recounting a meeting with Harvey Rosenthal and the waiter knew Ken Allen
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Martin Gardner Fortune information on the petal principle force
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Interval of Darkness "By Any Stretch - Part Two of a continuing series"
rubber band on performer's finger, spectator holds finger and closes eyes, rubber band is released, repeat phase
Related toAlso published here 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves Card to Wallet & Himber Ring credit information on Himber Ring and linking finger ring effect
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves (reviewer) Card to Wallet by Jerry Mentzer 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Philip T. Goldstein Birthday Value Birthday Suit variation of procedure
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Philip T. Goldstein The Diary Trick credit information and references
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Help "grammar hotline" joke
Verbatim (Issue 4)
Karl Fulves The New Graphology computers that are able to recognize handwriting with stylus on tablet
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Line of Credit credit information on this routine
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Miko credit information on the 3,5 of Clubs trick
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Tilt/Depth Illusion credit fight
Inspired by
  • comments by Jon Racherbaumer in "Flashpoints"
Related to
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Joseph K. Schmidt Simulated Vision further details on the trick
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Capped cap in bottle, fresh bottle hit and cap inside, posed as problem
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Packed taking long cards from a normal case, posed as problem
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindromes?
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Anagrams
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Frank Thompson Box Bounce bouncing coins back
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Shocked
  • finger ring moves on table to ESP symbol (no method)
  • car magazine rolled up and car sounds come out of it (no method)
  • joy buzzer as sound generator, lie detector with five cards on plastic tray
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Guess Again explanation of the principle at work, with variation in which five cards are put into five packets, packets dealt in pairs and color matches are found
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Zenmemory memorizing twelve picture cards, posed as problem
Related to 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Spinout on Mora's original wand spin, sequence with coin outlined
Verbatim (Issue 5)
(reviewer) The Healing Revelations of Mary Baker Eddy by Martin Gardner
reproduced review
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves One Word anagram challenge, "new door" and "new doors"
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Dining Out on dining in New Jersey, Suburban Diner, Bendix Diner
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Glass House card chosen and signed, odd-backed prediction in glass matches, then it also has signature
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Unload under Deck face card of double unloaded under deck in Bottom Change type action
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves Pitch Out pitch of music used to code information
Verbatim (Issue 5)
Karl Fulves The Boys From The Girls on differences between men and women, proposing blind test to figure out gender
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Night School court cards removed and some cased, one of the remaining ones signed, counting ritual according to number cards that are cut to, selection found
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves Where She Stops "a money maker trick"
cut-out newspaper column strip is in money maker prop and cut where the spectator wants
Verbatim (Issue 6)
Karl Fulves World's Longest Palindrome?
Verbatim (Issue 6)
William P. Miesel Spell Green spelling red, black, suits with packet, ending with "green" written on a card as well as a rainbow car
Inspired by 1993
Verbatim (Issue 6)